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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/process_site_templates.pl Copyright 2016 cPanel, Inc. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; ProcessSiteTemplates::run(@ARGV) unless caller; package ProcessSiteTemplates; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray); use Try::Tiny; use File::Basename; use Cpanel::Template (); use Cpanel::JSON (); use Cpanel::PwCache (); use Cpanel::SafeDir::MK (); use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors (); use Cpanel::Tar (); sub usage { my $exit_code = shift || 0; print < == 0 ); $homedir = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir(); my %parameters = (); GetOptionsFromArray( \@args, 'source=s' => \$source, 'target=s' => \$target, 'config=s' => \$config, 'define=s' => \%parameters, 'help' => \$help, ) || usage(1); if ($help) { usage(0); } unless ( $target && -d $target && $target =~ m/^\// ) { bail_out("The target directory ($target) is invalid."); } my $config_dir = $homedir . '/site_publisher/configurations'; unless ( -d $config_dir ) { Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir($config_dir); } chmod 0700, $config_dir; $config_file = join( '-', split( /\/+/, $target ) ); $config_file =~ s{^-}{}; $config_file .= '.json'; $config_file = $config_dir . '/' . $config_file; my $data_file = $target . '/configurations.json'; my $current_settings = {}; if ( -e $config_file ) { eval { $current_settings = Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($config_file) }; } elsif ( -e $data_file ) { eval { $current_settings = Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($data_file) }; save_settings($current_settings); } unlink $data_file; try { do_archive(); } catch { die "Unable to create a backup of the target directory: $_"; }; if ($config) { if ( -e $config ) { eval { $current_settings = Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($config) }; } else { die "Unable to read config file: $config"; } } unless ( $source && -d $source ) { if ( $current_settings->{path} && $current_settings->{template} ) { $source = $current_settings->{path} . '/' . $current_settings->{template}; } bail_out("The source directory ($source) is invalid.") unless $source && -d $source; } foreach my $k ( keys %parameters ) { $current_settings->{$k} = $parameters{$k}; } try { process_templates($current_settings); } catch { my $msg = $_; if ( $bu_file && -e $bu_file ) { restore_target(); } die "Publication of site template failed: $msg"; }; my $template = basename($source); my $path = dirname($source); $current_settings->{'template'} = $template; $current_settings->{'path'} = $path; save_settings($current_settings); return 1; } sub process_templates { my ( $data, $current_dir ) = @_; my $template_dir = $source; $template_dir .= '/' . $current_dir if ($current_dir); return unless ( -d $template_dir && opendir my $dh, $template_dir ); my $dest_dir = $target; $dest_dir .= '/' . $current_dir if ($current_dir); die "The system could not create the destination directory: $dest_dir." unless ( -d $dest_dir || mkdir $dest_dir, 0755 ); my @sub_directories = (); foreach my $tmpl ( readdir($dh) ) { next if $tmpl =~ m/^\./; next if $tmpl eq 'meta.json'; next if $tmpl eq 'preview.png'; next if $tmpl =~ m/README/i; if ( -d $template_dir . '/' . $tmpl ) { push @sub_directories, $current_dir . '/' . $tmpl; next; } my $dest = $tmpl; if ( $tmpl =~ m/\.tt$/ ) { $dest =~ s/\.tt$//; $data->{template_file} = $tmpl; die unless open( my $fh, '>', $dest_dir . '/' . $dest ); my ( $success, $output ) = Cpanel::Template::process_template( 'site_template', $data, { 'print_yn' => 0, 'include_path' => [ $template_dir, $source ], } ); print {$fh} $$output; close $fh; } else { my $ret = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunonlyerrors( '/bin/cp', '-f', $template_dir . '/' . $tmpl, $dest_dir . '/' . $dest ); die $ret if scalar grep ( /cannot/i, split( /\n/, $ret ) ); } } close $dh; foreach my $sub (@sub_directories) { process_templates( $data, $sub ); } return 1; } sub do_archive { $bu_file = join( '-', split( /\/+/, $target ) ); $bu_file =~ s{^-}{}; $bu_file .= '-' . $$ . '-' . time(); my $bu_dir = $homedir . '/site_publisher/backups'; unless ( -d $bu_dir ) { Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir($bu_dir); } chmod 0700, $bu_dir; # discard things older than 30 days if ( opendir( my $dh, $bu_dir ) ) { my @old_files = grep /-\d+-\d+\.tar\.gz$/, readdir($dh); closedir $dh; my $current = time(); my $cutoff = $current - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; foreach my $f (@old_files) { my @pots = split( /-/, $f ); my $stamp = $pots[-1]; $stamp =~ s{\.tar\.gz$}{}; if ( $stamp < $cutoff ) { unlink $bu_dir . '/' . $f; } } } $bu_file = $bu_dir . '/' . $bu_file . '.tar.gz'; my $ret = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunonlyerrors( Cpanel::Tar::load_tarcfg()->{'bin'}, '-c', '-v', '-z', '-f', $bu_file, $target ); die $ret if scalar grep ( /error/i, split( /\n/, $ret ) ); return; } sub restore_target { Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( '/usr/bin/rm', '-rf', '--', $target ); chdir '/'; Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( Cpanel::Tar::load_tarcfg()->{'bin'}, '-x', '-v', '-z', '-f', $bu_file ); return; } sub save_settings { my ($settings) = @_; my $orig_mask = umask 0077; my $out_fh; unless ( open( $out_fh, '>', $config_file ) ) { die "The system could not save settings to the file: $config_file"; } require Cpanel::JSON::Sanitize; print {$out_fh} Cpanel::JSON::Dump( Cpanel::JSON::Sanitize::sanitize_for_dumping($settings) ); close $out_fh; umask $orig_mask; return; } 1;