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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/modify_packages Copyright 2015 cPanel, Inc. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use Cpanel::Logger (); use Cpanel::SafeFile (); use Cpanel::Themes::Utils (); use Whostmgr::ACLS (); use Whostmgr::Packages::Fetch (); use Whostmgr::Packages::Load (); use Getopt::Long (); my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new(); $| = 1; if ( $> != 0 ) { $logger->die("Sorry, only root can use this script."); } my ( $theme, $packages, $help, $all_packages ); Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'help' => \$help, 'theme=s' => \$theme, 'all-packages' => \$all_packages, 'packages=s' => \$packages ) || do { usage(); exit 1; }; if ($help) { usage(); exit; } unless ( $theme && ( $all_packages || $packages ) ) { usage(); exit 1; } my $theme_docroot = Cpanel::Themes::Utils::get_theme_root($theme); $logger->die( "The specified theme [" . $theme . "] does not exist." ) unless -d $theme_docroot; if ( !$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ) { $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} = 'root'; } Whostmgr::ACLS::init_acls(); my @list_pkgs = (); my %pkgs = %{ Whostmgr::Packages::Fetch::fetch_package_list( 'want' => 'editable' ) }; my %valid_pkgs = (); if ($all_packages) { @list_pkgs = keys %pkgs; %valid_pkgs = map { ( $_ => $pkgs{$_} ) } @list_pkgs; } else { @list_pkgs = split( /\s*\,\s*/, $packages ); %valid_pkgs = map { exists( $pkgs{"$_"} ) ? ( $_ => $pkgs{$_} ) : () } @list_pkgs; } unless ( scalar( keys %valid_pkgs ) ) { $logger->die("No valid packages are specified."); } my %updated_pkgs = (); my $package_dir = Whostmgr::Packages::Load::package_dir(); foreach my $name ( keys %valid_pkgs ) { # Should not happen but just in case next unless -e $package_dir . $name; my $pkglock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safeopen( \*PKG, '+<', $package_dir . $name ); if ( !$pkglock ) { $logger->warn("Could not edit ${package_dir}$name"); next; } $updated_pkgs{$name} = 1; my %PKG_CONFIG = %{ $valid_pkgs{$name} }; seek( PKG, 0, 0 ); foreach my $pkgitem ( sort keys %PKG_CONFIG ) { next if !$pkgitem; next if ( $pkgitem eq '_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS' ); my $line = qq{$pkgitem=$PKG_CONFIG{$pkgitem}}; $line =~ s/[\r\n]//g; if ( $pkgitem eq 'CPMOD' ) { $line = qq{$pkgitem=$theme}; } print PKG $line . "\n"; } print PKG qq{_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS=$PKG_CONFIG{_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS}\n} if $PKG_CONFIG{_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS}; # _PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS last in file. truncate( PKG, tell(PKG) ); Cpanel::SafeFile::safeclose( \*PKG, $pkglock ); } # The default package may or may not have a file. my @failed_pkgs = grep { !$updated_pkgs{$_} && $_ ne 'default' } @list_pkgs; if ( scalar @failed_pkgs ) { $logger->warn( "Could not update these package(s): " . join( ', ', @failed_pkgs ) ); exit 1; } else { $logger->info("Packages are successfully updated."); exit 0; } sub usage { print <<"EOM"; $0: Modify existing packages to use a theme Usage: $0 --theme=paper_lantern [--packages=my_pkg,another_pkg|--all-packages] Options: --help: print usage and exit --theme: the theme to be adopted --packages: a list of packages to be modified, comma separated --all-packages: update all packages on the system EOM return; }