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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/mainipcheck Copyright 2019 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; package scripts::mainipcheck; use Cpanel::IP::LocalCheck (); use Cpanel::IP::Loopback (); use Cpanel::Linux::RtNetlink (); use Cpanel::LoadModule (); use Cpanel::Logger (); use Cpanel::NAT::Object (); use Cpanel::SafeRun::Object (); use Cpanel::FileUtils::Write (); use Cpanel::LoadFile (); use Cpanel::DIp::LicensedIP (); use Cpanel::Exception (); use Socket (); use Try::Tiny; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray); our $MAINIP_FILE = '/var/cpanel/mainip'; exit( __PACKAGE__->script( \@ARGV ) ) unless caller(); sub script { my ( $class, $argv ) = @_; my $remote_check; GetOptionsFromArray( $argv, 'remote-check' => \$remote_check, ) if defined $argv and ref $argv eq 'ARRAY'; my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new(); my $mainip = eval { ( Cpanel::LoadFile::loadfile($MAINIP_FILE) // '' ) =~ s/\s+//gr }; my $myip_url = Cpanel::DIp::LicensedIP::myip_url(); my $cpIP = Cpanel::DIp::LicensedIP::get_license_ip($myip_url); my $default_route_ip; my $update_mainip = 0; my $mainip_file_exists = -e $MAINIP_FILE; # No sense in stat-ing the file twice like we used to in certain scenarioes # Needed for NAT awareness, is NO-OP on non-NAT to these values (thus local and public IP values would be the same on non-nat systems). my $NAT_obj = Cpanel::NAT::Object->new(); my $NAT_local_ip = $NAT_obj->get_local_ip($cpIP); if ($remote_check) { print "$cpIP\n"; return 0; } eval { $default_route_ip = get_ip_from_netlink() || get_ip_from_default_route(); }; if ( my $error_message = $@ ) { chomp $error_message; $logger->warn("Encountered an error while determining the main IP from the default route: $error_message"); ($mainip_file_exists) ? die "/var/cpanel/mainip exists. Bailing out..." : $logger->info("Proceeding with main IP check assuming that the IP address from $myip_url is the main IP address."); $default_route_ip = $mainip; # XXX Should we keep going even here? I'm not sure. } my $NAT_public_ip = $NAT_obj->get_public_ip($default_route_ip); my $canonical_main_ip = $default_route_ip || $NAT_local_ip; if ( !$mainip_file_exists ) { $update_mainip = 1; # I'm somewhat curious as to whether we'd wanna update SPF records here too, honestly. } elsif ( $canonical_main_ip ne $mainip ) { $update_mainip = 1; $logger->info("The Server's main IP address has changed from $mainip to $canonical_main_ip."); # At one point, the below condition turned $default_route_ip into $cpIP, causing logger warns to actually get suppressed # when they would normally be spuriously reported for NATted systems. # This is because all the check for the logger warn below used to be if $default_route_ip ne $cpIP. # This would never be true when we had to update the mainip previously. if ( !Cpanel::IP::LocalCheck::ip_is_on_local_server($cpIP) ) { $logger->warn("$cpIP is not bound to an interface on the system! Please verify your network configuration."); # This can trigger pretty trivially on NAT setups if your cpnat configuration is not built or in fact insane. # Just make /var/cpanel/cpnat contain non-ip strings as if they were a key=>value nat IP pair separated # by spaces if you want to see this in action. } # Ensure the license system has what it needs? Not sure how it gets the updated mainip or if it even needs it? _reprovision_license_authn(); require Cpanel::ServerTasks; # Update SPF records, as we've changed to a new mainip Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['SPFTasks'], 5, 'update_all_users_spf_records' ); $logger->info("Scheduled SPF record update"); } if ($update_mainip) { Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::overwrite( $MAINIP_FILE, $canonical_main_ip, 0644 ); } if ( !$NAT_obj->enabled && $default_route_ip ne $cpIP ) { $logger->warn("$myip_url detects system IP as $cpIP and system local IP detected as $default_route_ip. Please verify your network configuration."); } elsif ( $NAT_obj->enabled && $NAT_public_ip ne $cpIP && $NAT_local_ip ne $default_route_ip ) { # Entertaingly enough, in this instance, $NAT_local_ip always equals $cpIP and vice versa. Conveniently enough, it also catches all invalid NAT configs. $logger->warn("$myip_url detects a system IP address of $cpIP and system local IP address of $default_route_ip."); $logger->warn("This looks like a NAT setup, but these IP addresses do not correspond to values listed in /var/cpanel/cpnat."); $logger->info("The system will now rebuild your cpnat configuration to ensure system sanity."); _system('/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/build_cpnat'); } return 0; } # For mocking in tests -- don't remove the 'uncoverable' comments below, as this impacts Devel::Cover reporting. sub _system { # uncoverable subroutine return system @_; # uncoverable statement } # Pick a testing IP and see how the kernel proposes routing it, then look up and return the source address which would be used. sub get_ip_from_netlink { my $TEST_IP = ''; # TODO: Better way of picking an IP with high probability of not being routed specially? my $result_ip = ''; try { my $routes_ar = Cpanel::Linux::RtNetlink::get_route_to( 'AF_INET', $TEST_IP ); foreach my $route_info_hr (@$routes_ar) { if ( defined $route_info_hr->{'rta_dst'} && $route_info_hr->{'rta_dst'} eq $TEST_IP ) { $result_ip = $route_info_hr->{'rta_prefsrc'}; last; } } } catch { Cpanel::Logger->new()->warn( 'Failed to retrieve IP via Netlink: ' . Cpanel::Exception::get_string_no_id($_) . "\nFalling back to reading /proc/net/route." ); }; return $result_ip; } # Get interface associated with default route and use socket() to get IP sub get_ip_from_default_route { my $proc_route_path = shift || '/proc/net/route'; # For unit testing, mostly my %interfaces; if ( open my $proc_fh, '<', $proc_route_path ) { while ( my $line = readline $proc_fh ) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ m/^(.+?)\s*0{8}\s.*?(\d+)\s+0{8}\s*(?:\d+\s*){3}$/ ) { my ( $interface, $metric ) = ( $1, $2 ); push @{ $interfaces{$metric} }, $interface; } } close($proc_fh); } else { die("Unable to open $proc_route_path: $!"); } my $lowest_metric = ( sort keys %interfaces )[0]; my $interface = $interfaces{$lowest_metric}[0]; my $ip = get_ip_from_interface($interface); # VPS issues if ( Cpanel::IP::Loopback::is_loopback($ip) && $interface =~ /^venet0?$/ ) { return get_ip_from_interface('venet0:0'); } return $ip; } sub get_ip_from_interface { my $interface = shift; my $SIOCGIFADDR = 0x8915; my $proto = getprotobyname('ip'); socket( my $socket_fh, &Socket::PF_INET, &Socket::SOCK_DGRAM, $proto ) or die("Socket error: $!"); # struct ifreq is 16 bytes of name, null-padded, followed by 16 bytes of answer. my $ifreq = pack( 'a32', $interface ); ioctl( $socket_fh, $SIOCGIFADDR, $ifreq ) or die("Error in ioctl: $!"); my ( $if, $sin ) = unpack( 'a16 a16', $ifreq ); my ( $port, $addr ) = Socket::sockaddr_in($sin); my $ip; foreach my $family ( &Socket::AF_INET, &Socket::AF_INET6 ) { last if $ip; # Generally we'll favor ipv4 addresses over ipv6, but we should use the v6 if it is the only one available. $ip = Socket::inet_ntop( $family, $addr ); } return $ip; } sub _reprovision_license_authn { Cpanel::LoadModule::load_perl_module('Cpanel::Market'); Cpanel::Market::set_cpstore_is_in_sync_flag(0); # # This will cause the system to get new LicenseAuthn # credentials so we can connect to various cPanel systems # that require license-based authentication. # my $run = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new( 'program' => '/usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt' ); warn $run->autopsy() if $run->CHILD_ERROR; # # cpkeyclt will auto re-provision on the second run # if the id changes # $run = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new( 'program' => '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/try-later', 'args' => [ '--action', '/usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt --quiet', '--check', '/bin/sh -c exit 1', '--delay', 11, # We only allow updates every 10 minutes so wait 11 '--max-retries', 1, '--skip-first' ] ); warn $run->autopsy() if $run->CHILD_ERROR; # # If they changed the ip for the license in manage2 they keep the # same liscid so we need to check after the license update has # happened the second time # $run = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new( 'program' => '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/try-later', 'args' => [ '--action', '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/check_cpstore_in_sync_with_local_storage', '--check', '/bin/sh -c exit 1', '--delay', 15, # Must happen after the second license update '--max-retries', 1, '--skip-first' ] ); warn $run->autopsy() if $run->CHILD_ERROR; return 1; }