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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/initquotas Copyright 2019 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::initquotas; use strict; use warnings; use IPC::Open3 (); use Cpanel::ArrayFunc::Uniq (); use Cpanel::Quota::Filesys (); use Quota (); use Cpanel::TimeHiRes (); use Cpanel::ConfigFiles (); use Cpanel::Backup::Config (); use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile (); use Cpanel::FindBin (); use Cpanel::Filesys::Info (); use Cpanel::Filesys::FindParse (); use Cpanel::Filesys::Mounts (); use Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple (); use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors (); use Cpanel::Transaction::File::Raw (); use Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf (); use Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny (); use Cpanel::GenSysInfo (); use Cpanel::Quota::Cache (); use Cpanel::SysQuota::Cache (); use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Dir (); use Try::Tiny; my %cmd = ( 'quota' => undef, 'quotaon' => undef, 'quotaoff' => undef, 'quotacheck' => undef, 'convertquota' => undef, ); our $FSTAB_FILE = '/etc/fstab'; my $ENABLE_QUOTA = 1; my $DISABLE_QUOTA = 0; my $pidfile = '/var/run/initquotas.pid'; my @ALL_QUOTA_FILES = ( 'quota.user', 'aquota.user', 'quota.group', 'aquota.group' ); my $supported_file_system_regex = 'ext[234]|reiserfs'; my $journaled_supported_file_system_regex = 'ext[34]|reiserfs'; my $do_quotacheck = ( grep( m/skipquotacheck/i, @ARGV ) || -d '/proc/vz/vzaquota' ) ? 0 : 1; my $supports_journaled_quota = supports_journaled_quota(); my $mountkeyword = 'remount'; if ( has_quota_support_for_xfs() ) { $supported_file_system_regex .= '|xfs'; } my $DEFAULT_MYSQL_DATADIR = '/var/lib/mysql'; if ( !caller() ) { local $| = 1; my $upid = Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny->new(); # Check for running instances of initquotas. if ( !$upid->pid_file($pidfile) ) { my $pid = $upid->get_pid_from_pidfile($pidfile); print "Another instance of initquotas appears to be running at PID '$pid'.\n"; exit 1; } # Check for running instance of quotacheck. if ( my $pid = $upid->is_pidfile_running('/var/run/quotacheck.pid') ) { print "An instance of quotacheck appears to be running at PID '$pid'.\n"; exit 1; } my $ok = __PACKAGE__->run(); exit( $ok ? 0 : 1 ); } sub run { if ( !verify_all_quota_binaries_are_in_place() ) { return 0; } chmod oct(4755), $cmd{'quota'}; if ( !-e $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::QUOTA_CONF_FILE ) { Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile::touchfile($Cpanel::ConfigFiles::QUOTA_CONF_FILE); chmod( 0600, $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::QUOTA_CONF_FILE ); } my @mount_output = split( /\n/, Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferun('mount') ); my $has_filesystems_with_quota = grep( /with\s+quotas|usrj?quota/, @mount_output ) ? 1 : 0; my $mount_point_config = get_mount_point_config(); # Modify fstab as needed my ( $fses_to_convert_arrayref, $mount_cmds_ref, $need_quotacheck ) = setup_quotas($mount_point_config); # Don't run quotacheck if none of our file systems use it. $do_quotacheck &&= $need_quotacheck; if ( @$mount_cmds_ref || $do_quotacheck ) { local $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C'; my $quota_off = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( $cmd{'quotaoff'}, '-a' ); foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $quota_off ) ) { next if $line =~ /no\s+such\s+process/i; print "Running quotaoff failed!\n"; Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( $cmd{'quotaon'}, '-a' ); exit 1; } } # Now actually remount the file systems with or without quotas based on the logic above. # So /etc/fstab matches what is actually going on foreach my $data ( @{$mount_cmds_ref} ) { my ( $cmdref, $fstab, $journaled ) = @{$data}{qw/cmd fstab journaled/}; my $result = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( @{$cmdref} ); if ($result) { my $cmd = join( " ", @{$cmdref} ); print "Warning: mount failure while executing $cmd: $result\n"; if ($journaled) { print "Trying non-journaled quotas instead for $cmdref->[-1]\n"; _update_fstab_line( \$fstab, $DISABLE_QUOTA, $journaled ); _update_fstab_line( \$fstab, $ENABLE_QUOTA, 0 ); rebuild_fstab( sub { $data->{'fstab'} eq $_[0] ? $fstab : $_[0] } ); $result = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( @{$cmdref} ); print "Warning: mount failure while executing $cmd: $result\n" if $result; } if ($result) { print "Disabling quotas for $cmdref->[-1]\n"; _update_fstab_line( \$fstab, $DISABLE_QUOTA, 0 ); rebuild_fstab( sub { $data->{'fstab'} eq $_[0] ? $fstab : $_[0] } ); } } } if ( !$do_quotacheck ) { Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( $cmd{'quotaon'}, '-a' ); if ( !$need_quotacheck ) { print "Quotas have been enabled and updated.\n"; } else { print "Quotas have been enabled, however they may not be up to date as quotacheck has been skipped.\n"; } exit 0; } purge_quotas($fses_to_convert_arrayref); Cpanel::Filesys::Mounts::clear_mounts_cache(); run_quota_check(); convert_quotas($fses_to_convert_arrayref); Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( $cmd{'quotaon'}, '-a' ); reset_quota_caches(); Cpanel::Filesys::Mounts::clear_mounts_cache(); print "Quotas have been enabled and updated.\n"; return 1; } sub reset_quota_caches { Cpanel::SysQuota::Cache::purge_cache(); try { Cpanel::Quota::Cache::update_quota_cache_dir(); }; # No reason to catch as update_quota_cache_dir # has already logged the error. return; } sub purge_quotas { my $fses_to_purge_arrayref = shift; foreach my $mntpoint (@$fses_to_purge_arrayref) { _purge_quota_files($mntpoint); } return; } sub convert_quotas { my $fses_to_convert_arrayref = shift; foreach my $mntpoint (@$fses_to_convert_arrayref) { Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunnoerror( $cmd{'convertquota'}, $mntpoint ) unless $supports_journaled_quota; _set_quota_file_perms($mntpoint); } return; } sub run_quota_check { my $fs = Cpanel::Quota::Filesys->new(); my $paths_ref = $fs->get_devices_with_quotas_enabled(); print 'Updating Quota Files......'; foreach my $dev ( sort keys %$paths_ref ) { next if index( $paths_ref->{$dev}{'fstype'}, 'xfs' ) > -1; next if index( $paths_ref->{$dev}{'mode'}, 'quota' ) == -1; my ($format) = $paths_ref->{$dev}{'mode'} =~ m{jqfmt=([a-z0-9]+)}; if ( $paths_ref->{$dev}{'mode'} =~ m{usrjquota}i ) { $format ||= 'vfsv0'; } my @args = ( '--create-files', '--user', '--group', '--verbose', '--force', '--use-first-dquot', '--no-remount' ); if ($format) { quotarun( $cmd{'quotacheck'}, @args, '--format=' . $format, $dev ); } else { # Cannot detect so do both quotarun( $cmd{'quotacheck'}, @args, '--format=vfsold', $dev ); quotarun( $cmd{'quotacheck'}, @args, '--format=vfsv0', $dev ); } } print '....Done' . "\n"; return; } sub quotarun { my (@CMD) = @_; print "\n\t"; my $empty_dir = q{/var/cpanel/empty_directory}; if ( !-d $empty_dir ) { die "Cannot create directory '$empty_dir': $!" unless mkdir( $empty_dir, 0700 ); } local $ENV{'LD_PRELOAD'} = "$Cpanel::ConfigFiles::CPANEL_ROOT/lib/quotacheck_virtfs_wrapper.so"; print "Running Task: “@CMD”.\n"; my $start_time = Cpanel::TimeHiRes::time(); my $qout_fh; my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3( '>/dev/null', $qout_fh, $qout_fh, @CMD ); while ( read( $qout_fh, $_, 1 ) ) { syswrite( STDOUT, $_ eq "\n" ? "\n\t" : $_ ); } print "\n"; close($qout_fh); waitpid( $pid, 0 ); my $end_time = Cpanel::TimeHiRes::time(); my $exec_time = sprintf( "%.3f", ( $end_time - $start_time ) ); print "Completed Task: “@CMD” in $exec_time second(s).\n"; return; } sub _purge_quota_files { my $mntpoint = shift; my @files_to_purge = map { ( "$_.new", $_ ) } @ALL_QUOTA_FILES; foreach my $quota_file (@files_to_purge) { if ( -e $mntpoint . '/' . $quota_file ) { unlink( $mntpoint . '/' . $quota_file ) } } return; } sub _set_quota_file_perms { my $mntpoint = shift; foreach my $quota_file (@ALL_QUOTA_FILES) { if ( -e $mntpoint . '/' . $quota_file ) { chmod 0644, $mntpoint . '/' . $quota_file } } return; } sub wall { my $wall_txt = shift; my $wall_cmd = Cpanel::FindBin::findbin('wall'); if ( !-x $wall_cmd ) { return; } if ( open( my $wall_fh, '|-' ) || exec($wall_cmd ) ) { print {$wall_fh} $wall_txt; close($wall_fh); } return; } sub rebuild_fstab { my ($changeref) = @_; my @CFILE; my $trans = _get_fstab_transaction(); my $fstab_sr = $trans->get_data(); foreach my $fstab_line ( split( m{^}, $$fstab_sr ) ) { push @CFILE, &$changeref($fstab_line); } my $data = join( '', @CFILE ); $trans->set_data( \$data ); $trans->save_and_close_or_die(); return; } sub _get_fstab_transaction { return Cpanel::Transaction::File::Raw->new( 'path' => $FSTAB_FILE, 'permissions' => 0644, 'restore_original_permissions' => 1 ); } # # Cycle though the fstab and add usrquota to all supported filesystems # and remove from filesystems that should not have them # sub setup_quotas { ## no critic(Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity) -- Refactoring this function is a project, not a bug fix my $mount_point_config = shift; my @CFILE; my @MOUNT_CMDS; my @NEED_CONVERT; my $wwwacct_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf::loadwwwacctconf(); my $home = $wwwacct_ref->{'HOMEDIR'} || '/home'; my $trans = _get_fstab_transaction(); my $fstab_sr = $trans->get_data(); my $need_quotacheck = 0; LINE: foreach my $fstab_line ( split( m{^}, $$fstab_sr ) ) { if ( $fstab_line =~ /^(\S+)\s*(\S+)/ ) { if ( $fstab_line =~ /^#/ ) { push @CFILE, $fstab_line; next LINE; } my ( $dsk, $mntpoint, $fstype, $options, $dump, $pass, @opts ) = split( /\s+/, $fstab_line ); my @options = split( /\s*\,\s*/, $options || '' ); if ( grep( /^(?:ro|noauto|loop)/, @options ) ) { push @CFILE, $fstab_line; next LINE; } if ( grep( /^noquota/, @options ) ) { print "The system will leave quotas disabled on $mntpoint because the noquota option was specified in the fstab file.\n"; push @CFILE, $fstab_line; next LINE; } my $has_usr_quota = ( $fstab_line =~ /\bu(srj?)?quota\b/ ? 1 : 0 ); $dsk =~ s/^LABEL=//g; if ( $fstab_line =~ /\s*$supported_file_system_regex/ ) { foreach my $quota_file (@ALL_QUOTA_FILES) { if ( -l $mntpoint . '/' . $quota_file ) { push( @CFILE, $fstab_line ); next LINE; #openvz } } my $use_journaled = $fstab_line =~ /\s*$journaled_supported_file_system_regex/ ? $supports_journaled_quota : 0; my $mountpnt_can_do_quota = ( $mntpoint =~ /^(?:\/boot|\/tmp)/ ? 0 : 1 ); $need_quotacheck ||= ( $fstype ne 'xfs' || has_quota_support_for_xfs() ) && $mountpnt_can_do_quota; my $config = $mount_point_config->{$mntpoint} // {}; $mountpnt_can_do_quota = 0 if $config->{'disable'}; if ( !$mountpnt_can_do_quota && $has_usr_quota ) { print_config_messages( $config, 'action' ); print "$dsk (removing " . ( $use_journaled ? 'journaled ' : '' ) . "quotas)\n"; _update_fstab_line( \$fstab_line, $DISABLE_QUOTA, $use_journaled ); push @MOUNT_CMDS, { 'cmd' => [ 'mount', '-o', $mountkeyword, $mntpoint ], 'fstab' => $fstab_line, 'journaled' => $use_journaled }; } elsif ( $mountpnt_can_do_quota && !$has_usr_quota ) { print_config_messages( $config, 'action' ); print "$dsk (enabling " . ( $use_journaled ? 'journaled ' : '' ) . "quotas)\n"; _update_fstab_line( \$fstab_line, $ENABLE_QUOTA, $use_journaled ); push @MOUNT_CMDS, { 'cmd' => [ 'mount', '-o', $mountkeyword, $mntpoint ], 'fstab' => $fstab_line, 'journaled' => $use_journaled }; } else { print_config_messages( $config, 'inaction' ); print "$dsk (already configured quotas = $has_usr_quota).\n"; } if ( $mountpnt_can_do_quota && $fstype ne 'xfs' ) { _set_quota_file_perms($mntpoint); foreach my $quota_file (@ALL_QUOTA_FILES) { my $quota_file_with_path = $mntpoint eq '/' ? $mntpoint . $quota_file : $mntpoint . '/' . $quota_file; if ( !-e $quota_file_with_path ) { Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile::touchfile($quota_file_with_path); } } _set_quota_file_perms($mntpoint); push @NEED_CONVERT, $mntpoint; } } } push( @CFILE, $fstab_line ); } my $data = join( '', @CFILE ); $trans->set_data( \$data ); $trans->save_and_close_or_die(); return ( \@NEED_CONVERT, \@MOUNT_CMDS, $need_quotacheck ); } sub get_mount_point_config { my %mounts; # If a mount point exactly matches the MySQL datadir it should be skipped (CPANEL-28760) my $mysql_datadir = get_mysql_datadir(); my $mysql_datadir_mount = get_mount_point($mysql_datadir); if ( $mysql_datadir_mount eq $mysql_datadir ) { $mounts{$mysql_datadir_mount} = { disable => 1, message => { action => "The system will disable quotas on $mysql_datadir_mount because it is a MySQL or MariaDB data directory.", inaction => "The system will leave quotas disabled on $mysql_datadir_mount because it is a MySQL or MariaDB data directory.", }, }; } #NOTE:: QUOTAS CAN BE ON A BACKUP DISK SINCE ALL FILES ARE ALWAYS OWNED BY ROOT -- HOWEVER IT IS SLOW for my $backup_mount ( @{ get_backup_dir_mount_points() } ) { if ( $backup_mount eq '/' ) { $mounts{$backup_mount} = { disable => 0, message => { always => "Warning : Your system does not have a separate filesystem for backups. This may cause performance degradation during the backup process.", }, }; } else { $mounts{$backup_mount} = { disable => 1, message => { action => "The system will disable quotas on $backup_mount in order to prevent performance degradation.", inaction => "The system will leave quotas disabled on $backup_mount in order to prevent performance degradation.", }, }; } } return \%mounts; } # Scans the backup configuraiton for fses that are set to be backup fses that have # quotas enabled on them and disables them. Returns a hashref list of backup fses that exist # sub get_backup_dir_mount_points { my @mountpoints; my $backup_dir_ref = Cpanel::Backup::Config::get_backup_dirs(); foreach my $backup_dir ( Cpanel::ArrayFunc::Uniq::uniq( @{$backup_dir_ref} ) ) { print "checking out $backup_dir\n"; my $backup_mount = get_mount_point($backup_dir); push @mountpoints, $backup_mount; } return \@mountpoints; } sub supports_journaled_quota { require Cpanel::LoadFile; if ( Cpanel::LoadFile::loadfile('/sbin/quotaon') =~ m/usrjquota/ ) { print "journaled quota support: kernel supports, user space tools supports (available)\n"; return 1; } print "journaled quota support: kernel supports, user space tools not updated (disabled)\n"; return 0; } sub _update_fstab_line { my ( $fstab_line_ref, $action, $supports_journaled_quota ) = @_; my ( $device, $mntpoint, $fstype, $options, $dump, $pass, @opts ) = split( /\s+/, $$fstab_line_ref ); my @options_list = split( m/\s*,\s*/, $options ); if ( $action == $DISABLE_QUOTA ) { @options_list = grep( !m/(?:quota|jqfmt)/, @options_list ); push @options_list, 'defaults' if scalar @options_list == 0; } else { @options_list = grep( !m/(?:u(srj?)?quota|jqfmt)/, @options_list ); if ($supports_journaled_quota) { @options_list = grep( !m/^defaults$/, @options_list ); #defaults seems to cause usrjquota to break on some systems push @options_list, 'usrjquota=quota.user', 'jqfmt=vfsv0'; } else { unshift @options_list, 'defaults' if !grep( m/^defaults$/, @options_list ); my $usrquota = 'usrquota'; if ( has_quota_support_for_xfs() && $$fstab_line_ref =~ m{\bxfs\b} ) { print "The system will configure quotas on the “$device” which is using the “xfs” filesystem.\n"; print "A reboot will be required to enable quotas on xfs.\n"; $usrquota = 'uquota'; } push @options_list, $usrquota; } } $options = join( ',', @options_list ); $$fstab_line_ref = join( "\t", $device, $mntpoint, $fstype, $options, $dump, $pass, @opts ) . "\n"; return 1; } sub has_quota_support_for_xfs { # currently only enable xfs quota support on CentOS 7 return Cpanel::GenSysInfo::get_rpm_distro_version() == 7; } sub verify_all_quota_binaries_are_in_place { my @missing_cmds; foreach my $cmd_name ( keys %cmd ) { $cmd{$cmd_name} = Cpanel::FindBin::findbin($cmd_name); if ( !( $cmd{$cmd_name} && -x $cmd{$cmd_name} ) ) { push @missing_cmds, $cmd_name; } } if ( scalar @missing_cmds ) { print "Incomplete quota kit: unable to initialize quotas.\n"; print 'Missing commands: ', join( ', ', sort @missing_cmds ), "\n"; return 0; } return 1; } sub get_mount_point { my $dir = shift; my $filesys_ref = Cpanel::Filesys::Info::_all_filesystem_info(); return Cpanel::Filesys::FindParse::find_mount( $filesys_ref, $dir ); } sub get_mysql_datadir { my $datadir = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Dir::getmysqldir() // $DEFAULT_MYSQL_DATADIR; $datadir =~ s{/$}{}; # Remove any trailing slash. return $datadir; } sub get_config_messages { my ( $ref, @selections ) = @_; unshift @selections, 'always' unless grep { $_ eq 'always' } @selections; return map { $ref->{'message'}->{$_} } grep { exists $ref->{'message'}->{$_} && length $ref->{'message'}->{$_} } @selections; } sub print_config_messages { return unless my @messages = get_config_messages(@_); print join( "\n", @messages ) . "\n"; return; } 1;