Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php:1) in /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php on line 215

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php:1) in /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php on line 216

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php:1) in /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php on line 217

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php:1) in /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php on line 218

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php:1) in /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php on line 219

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php:1) in /home/destefa1/public_html/nf/function.php on line 220
#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - httpspamdetect Copyright 2010 cPanel, Inc. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny (); use Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple (); use Socket; my %HTTPPIDS; my %HTTPVHOSTS; my %HTTPURL; my %HTTPOWNER; my %PCOUNT; eval { $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die; }; alarm(30); my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket( WHMS, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto ); my $iaddr = inet_aton(""); my $port = getservbyname( 'http', 'tcp' ); my $sin = sockaddr_in( $port, $iaddr ); connect( WHMS, $sin ); send WHMS, "GET /whm-server-status HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", 0; shutdown( WHMS, 1 ); while ( my $nline = ) { if ( $nline =~ m/^\\\\d+/ ) { if ( $nline =~ m/\d+\-\d+\<[^\>]*\>\<[^\>]*\>(\d+)/ ) { my $pid = $1; $nline = ; $nline = ; if ( $nline =~ m/^\]*\>\]*\>[\d+\.]*\<[^\>]*\><[^\>]*\><[^\>]*\>([^\<]*)\<[^\>]*\>\<[^\>]*\>\<[^\>]*\>([^\<]*)/ ) { my $vhost = $1; my $req = $2; my $url = ( split( /\s/, $req, 3 ) )[1]; my $user; if ( $url && $url =~ m/^\/~([^\/]*)/ ) { $user = $1; } else { $user = Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::getdomainowner($vhost); } if ($user) { $HTTPPIDS{$pid} = 1; $HTTPVHOSTS{$pid} = $vhost; $HTTPURL{$pid} = $url; $HTTPOWNER{$pid} = $user; } } } } } alarm(0); }; alarm(0); shutdown( WHMS, 2 ); close(WHMS); my @PROCS = Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferun( 'ps', 'axo', 'user,pid,ppid,command' ); foreach (@PROCS) { my ( $user, $pid, $ppid, $cmd ) = split( /\s+/, $_ ); if ( $cmd =~ m/exim/ || $cmd =~ m/mail/ ) { $PCOUNT{ $HTTPOWNER{$ppid} }++; if ( $HTTPPIDS{$ppid} == 1 && $PCOUNT{ $HTTPOWNER{$ppid} } > 6 ) { print "Pid $ppid is mailing using [$cmd]..\n"; print "Host: $HTTPVHOSTS{$ppid}\n"; print "Url: $HTTPURL{$ppid}\n"; print "User: $HTTPOWNER{$ppid}\n\n"; } } }