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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/get_locale_from_legacy_name_info # Copyright 2013 cPanel, Inc. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use Cpanel::Locale::Utils::Legacy (); if ( !@ARGV || grep /--help/, @ARGV ) { show_help(); exit; } elsif ( grep /--man/, @ARGV ) { show_man(); exit; } for my $arg (@ARGV) { print "“$arg” maps to “" . Cpanel::Locale::Utils::Legacy::get_new_langtag_of_old_style_langname($arg) . "”\n"; } sub show_help { print <<"END_HELP"; Usage: $0 {legacy_style_language_name} [{another_legacy_style_language_name} …] Map language names used in the cPanel Legacy Language system to the new locale codes used in the Cpanel::Locale system. Options: --help Show this help screen --man Show the help screen and additional information Multiple legacy language names can be specified as input. Example: $0 French $0 fr French italiano spanish-utf8 $0 fr French スペイン語 italiano spanish-utf8 中文 DANISH.lng Swedish.special "Heart cPanel" END_HELP } sub show_man { show_help(); print <<"END_MAN"; The cPanel legacy language system used arbitrary language names for identification. The current Cpanel::Locale uses standard ISO language (and territory) codes to identify locales. The Cpanel::Locale codes are also based on CLDR (http://cldr.unicode.org) which have locale data defined accordingly. This utility is used for looking up the corresponding Cpanel::Locale code. Any specified language/locale names that cannot be mapped are turned in to “i_” tag codes. An “i_” tag is a standard way to create, identify, and work with a non-standard locale by prefixing the code with the letter “i” followed by an underscore. (e.g. i_abcdef, i_qa) END_MAN }