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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/apachelimits Copyright 2019 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::apachelimits; use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::Usage (); use Cpanel::HttpUtils::Rlimits (); use Cpanel::HttpUtils::ApRestart::BgSafe (); use Cpanel::Server::Type::License (); exit unless Cpanel::Server::Type::License::is_ea4_allowed(); exit __PACKAGE__->runner(@ARGV) if not caller(); sub runner { my ( $class, @argv ) = @_; #this is under the artistic lics print "Apache Limiter by cPanel, Inc. \n\n"; my $opts; my %OPTS = ( 'current' => \$opts->{'current'}, 'rlimitmem' => \$opts->{'rlimitmem'}, 'disable' => \$opts->{'disable'}, 'restart' => \$opts->{'restart'}, ); Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@argv, \&show_help, \%OPTS ); if ( $> != 0 ) { print "[!] Sorry, only root can use this utility to modify Apache RLimits on the server.\n"; return 1; } if ( $opts->{'current'} ) { return _current_rlimits(); } elsif ( $opts->{'disable'} ) { return _disable_rlimits( $opts->{'restart'} ); } else { return _set_rlimits( $opts->{'rlimitmem'}, $opts->{'restart'} ); } } sub _current_rlimits { my $current = Cpanel::HttpUtils::Rlimits::get_current_rlimitmem() || 0; my $current_MB = int( $current / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ); print "[*] Current RLimitMEM: $current ( $current_MB MB )\n"; return; } sub _disable_rlimits { my $restart_apache = shift; my $status; print "[*] Removing rlimits ... \n"; eval { $status = Cpanel::HttpUtils::Rlimits::unset_rlimits_in_apache(); }; if ( !$status ) { if ($@) { print "[!] Failed to remove rlimits: $@\n"; } else { print "[!] Failed to remove rlimits: Unknown error.\n"; } } else { print "[+] Removed rlimits successfully.\n"; } return _restart_apache() if $restart_apache; return; } sub _set_rlimits { my ( $size, $restart_apache ) = @_; $size = _parse_rlimit($size); if ( !$size ) { print "[*] No valid rlimit specified. Calculating Limit to use...\n"; ($size) = Cpanel::HttpUtils::Rlimits::determine_rlimitmem_for_apache(); if ( !$size ) { print "[!] Unable to determine appropriate memory limit.\n"; return 1; } } my $size_MB = int( $size / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ); _current_rlimits(); print "[*] Setting rlimit to: $size bytes( $size_MB MB ).\n"; my $status; eval { $status = Cpanel::HttpUtils::Rlimits::set_rlimits_in_apache($size); }; if ( !$status ) { if ($@) { print "[!] Failed to set new Rlimit: $@\n"; } else { print "[!] Failed to set new Rlimit: Unknown error.\n"; } } else { print "[+] Largest webserver child cgi/ssi/php is now limited to $size_MB MB.\n"; } return _restart_apache() if $restart_apache; return; } sub _restart_apache { Cpanel::HttpUtils::ApRestart::BgSafe::restart(); print "[+] Apache restarting the background.\n"; return; } sub _parse_rlimit { my $input = shift or return; if ( $input =~ m/([0-9]+)([M])?$/i ) { my $number = $1; my $type = $2; if ( $type eq "M" or $type eq "m" ) { $number *= 1024 * 1024; } return $number; } return; } sub show_help { print <<"EOM"; $0: Command line tool to manage Apache RLimits. Usage: $0 --current : Display the current RlimitMEM value. --rlimitmem : The new RlimitMEM value to use. You can specify this in MB (eg: 64M), or bytes (eg: 67108864). --disable : Remove the RlimitMEM and RlimitCPU limits. --restart : Restart Apache after the changes have been made (Default: off) Note: If none of these options are specified, then the script will determine a value for RlimitMEM based on the amount of ram and swap available on the server, and update the limit to this value. EOM exit 1; }