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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - MirrorSearch_pingtest Copyright 2010 cPanel, Inc. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use Cpanel::PingTest (); alarm(1000); $| = 1; my $homedir = ( getpwuid($>) )[7]; die if !@ARGV; my ( $key, $days, $mirrorlist, $port ) = @ARGV; my $my_mtime = ( stat('/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/MirrorSearch_pingtest') )[9]; $key =~ s/\///g; $key =~ s/\.\.//g; die 'You must provide a key to store the results.' if length($key) < 4; die 'You must provide a mirror list or fd to read the mirrors from.' if length($mirrorlist) < 1; die 'You must provide a ttl in days' if length($days) < 1; if ( !-e "$homedir/.MirrorSearch" ) { mkdir( "$homedir/.MirrorSearch", 0700 ); } if ( !-e "$homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}" ) { mkdir( "$homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}", 0700 ); } if ( !-e "$homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}/pingtimes" ) { mkdir( "$homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}/pingtimes", 0700 ); } my $openok = 0; if ( $mirrorlist =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $openok = open( MIRRORS, "<&=$mirrorlist" ) ? 1 : 0; } else { $openok = open( MIRRORS, '<', $mirrorlist ) ? 1 : 0; } my @HOSTS; if ($openok) { while () { if (/^(\S+)/) { $1 =~ /([^\:]+):\/\/([^\/]+)(\S+)/; push @HOSTS, $2; } } close(MIRRORS); } my $now = time(); my $child = 0; my $host_ping_ttl = ( 86400 * $days ); my @HOST_LIST; foreach my $host (@HOSTS) { my $host_mtime = ( stat("$homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}/pingtimes/${host}") )[9]; next if ( $host_mtime > $my_mtime && ( $host_mtime + $host_ping_ttl ) > $now ); push @HOST_LIST, $host; } if (@HOST_LIST) { my $rPINGTIMES = Cpanel::PingTest::pinghosts( \@HOST_LIST, $port ); foreach my $host (@HOSTS) { if ( !exists $rPINGTIMES->{$host} ) { next; } if ( open my $pingtime_fh, '>', "$homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}/pingtimes/${host}" ) { print {$pingtime_fh} $rPINGTIMES->{$host}; close $pingtime_fh; } else { warn "Unable to write $homedir/.MirrorSearch/${key}/pingtimes/${host}: $!"; } } }