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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/update_mailman_cache Copyright 2017 cPanel, Inc. # All rights Reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::update_mailman_cache; use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf (); use Cpanel::Config::Users (); use Cpanel::CachedDataStore (); use Cpanel::Mailman::Filesys (); require Cpanel::Mailman::DiskUsage; require Cpanel::Mailman::NameUtils; require Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig; require Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig; require Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny; require Cpanel::PwCache; require Cpanel::SafeDir::MK; require Cpanel::SafeFile; require Cpanel::Finally; require Cpanel::Time::TZ; my $missing_info_mail_list = {}; my $MAILMAN_DISK_USAGE_REF = {}; my $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF = {}; our $datastore_path = '/var/cpanel/datastore'; our $missing_info_yaml_file = "$datastore_path/mailman_missing_info_mail_list.yaml"; our $mailman_list_usage_file = "$datastore_path/mailman-list-usage.yaml"; our $mailman_disk_usage_file = "$datastore_path/mailman-disk-usage"; our $progress_file = "$datastore_path/update_mailman_cache-in-progress"; my $message = undef; my $alert_status = undef; exit( __PACKAGE__->run(@ARGV) ) unless caller(); sub run { ## no critic qw(Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity) my ( $self, @args ) = @_; # We call localtime quote a bit, lets make it a bit faster local $ENV{'TZ'} = Cpanel::Time::TZ::calculate_TZ_env(); my $cpanel_conf = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf_not_copy(); my $NEEDDISKUSED = exists $cpanel_conf->{'disk_usage_include_mailman'} ? $cpanel_conf->{'disk_usage_include_mailman'} : 1; if ( !$NEEDDISKUSED ) { clear_db_caches(); return 0; } if ( !-e $datastore_path ) { Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $datastore_path, '0755' ); } my ( $user_to_rebuild, $list_to_rebuild ) = @args; if ( $user_to_rebuild && !Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam_noshadow($user_to_rebuild) ) { die "Usage: $0 []\n"; } my $mmlock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safeopen( my $fh, '>', $progress_file ); if ( !$mmlock ) { warn "Could not get a lock on '$progress_file': $!\n"; return 1; } my $finally = Cpanel::Finally->new( sub { unlink($progress_file); Cpanel::SafeFile::safeclose( $fh, $mmlock ); } ); $missing_info_mail_list = Cpanel::CachedDataStore::fetch_ref($missing_info_yaml_file); $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF = Cpanel::CachedDataStore::fetch_ref($mailman_list_usage_file); Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::build_domain_cache(); if ($user_to_rebuild) { # load disk usage for all other users $MAILMAN_DISK_USAGE_REF = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( $mailman_disk_usage_file, undef, ':\s+' ); # reset disk usage for current user ( will be computed later ) # need to be deleted from hash as we do not want to save 0 in disk-usage delete $MAILMAN_DISK_USAGE_REF->{$user_to_rebuild}; } my %SEEN_LISTS; if ( opendir( my $list_dir_dh, Cpanel::Mailman::Filesys::MAILING_LISTS_DIR() ) ) { my $listuser; while ( my $list = readdir($list_dir_dh) ) { next if index( $list, '.' ) == 0; $SEEN_LISTS{$list} = 1; if ( index( $list, '_' ) != -1 ) { ## takes advantage of the first .* being greedy; e.g. my_list_name_domain.com ## will appropriately split my_list_name and domain.com my ( $listname, $listdomain ) = Cpanel::Mailman::NameUtils::parse_name($list); $listuser = Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::getdomainowner( $listdomain, { 'default' => '' } ); } else { $listuser = ''; } if ( !$listuser ) { $listuser = 'root' if $list eq 'mailman'; } if ( !$listuser ) { # When detecting no listuser, only provide warning message once on the first time # (The mailing list without the listuser info is added to the yaml file # to prevent redundant notification on subsequent runs.) $alert_status = 'provided message'; if ( !( exists( $missing_info_mail_list->{$list} ) && $missing_info_mail_list->{$list}->{'alert_status'} eq $alert_status ) ) { $message = "Could not determine the list owner for mailman mailing list \"$list\""; _warn_about_list_owner($message); $missing_info_mail_list->{$list}->{'alert_status'} = $alert_status; $missing_info_mail_list->{$list}->{'message'} = $message; } next; } # skip other users ( usage comes from previous file ) when a user is defined if ( $user_to_rebuild && $listuser ne $user_to_rebuild ) { next; } my $disk_used; if ( exists $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$listuser}{$list} && ( $list_to_rebuild && $list ne $list_to_rebuild ) ) { # Use previous value if we are only rebuilding a specific list $disk_used = $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$listuser}{$list}; } else { $disk_used = Cpanel::Mailman::DiskUsage::get_mailman_archive_dir_disk_usage($list) + Cpanel::Mailman::DiskUsage::get_mailman_archive_dir_mbox_disk_usage($list) + Cpanel::Mailman::DiskUsage::get_mailman_list_dir_disk_usage($list); $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$listuser}{$list} = $disk_used; } $MAILMAN_DISK_USAGE_REF->{$listuser} += $disk_used; } if ( !Cpanel::CachedDataStore::store_ref( $missing_info_yaml_file, $missing_info_mail_list ) ) { warn "Error: Unable to save yaml file \"$missing_info_yaml_file\". \n"; } } foreach my $user ( $user_to_rebuild ? ($user_to_rebuild) : Cpanel::Config::Users::getcpusers() ) { my $user_datastore_path = $datastore_path . '/' . $user; if ( my @deleted_lists = map { !$SEEN_LISTS{$_} } keys %{ $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$user} } ) { delete @SEEN_LISTS{@deleted_lists}; } if ( !exists $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$user} || !scalar keys %{ $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$user} } ) { delete $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$user}; unlink $user_datastore_path . '/mailman-disk-usage', $user_datastore_path . '/mailman-list-usage'; next; } if ( !-e $user_datastore_path ) { mkdir( $user_datastore_path, 0750 ); chown 0, ( ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam_noshadow($user) )[3] || 0 ), $user_datastore_path; } if ( open( my $disk_usage_fh, '>', $user_datastore_path . '/mailman-disk-usage' ) ) { print {$disk_usage_fh} int( $MAILMAN_DISK_USAGE_REF->{$user} || 0 ); close($disk_usage_fh); } Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig::flushConfig( $user_datastore_path . '/mailman-list-usage', $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF->{$user}, ': ', undef, { perms => 0644 } ); } my $umask = umask(0027); Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig::flushConfig( $mailman_disk_usage_file, $MAILMAN_DISK_USAGE_REF, ': ', undef, { perms => 0644 } ); Cpanel::CachedDataStore::store_ref( $mailman_list_usage_file, $MAILMAN_LIST_USAGE_REF ); umask($umask); return 0; } sub clear_db_caches { return if !-d $datastore_path; foreach my $db ( $mailman_list_usage_file, $mailman_disk_usage_file ) { unlink($db) if -e $db; } foreach my $user ( Cpanel::Config::Users::getcpusers() ) { my $user_datastore_path = $datastore_path . '/' . $user; unlink grep { -e $_ } map { $user_datastore_path . '/' . $_ } ( 'mailman-list-usage', 'mailman-disk-usage' ); rmdir $user_datastore_path; # This should be safe, rmdir will fail if anything is left in the directory } rmdir $datastore_path; # This should be safe, rmdir will fail if anything is left in the directory return; } # stubbed out in tests to avoid spurious warnings sub _warn_about_list_owner { my ($message) = @_; warn $message; return; }