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See https://www.nagios-plugins.org/doc/extra-opts.html for usage and examples. -4, --use-ipv4 Use IPv4 connection -6, --use-ipv6 Use IPv6 connection -H, --hostname=ADDRESS Host name, IP Address, or unix socket (must be an absolute path) -%c, --port=INTEGER Port number (default: %s) Returns UNKNOWN instead of CRITICAL or WARNING if server isn't synchronizedOffset to result in warning status (seconds)Offset to result in critical status (seconds)Warning threshold for stratum of server's synchronization peerCritical threshold for stratum of server's synchronization peerWarning threshold for number of usable time sources ("truechimers")Critical threshold for number of usable time sources ("truechimers") -t, --timeout=INTEGER: Seconds before connection times out (default: %d) Optional ":" can be a state integer (0,1,2,3) or a state STRING -v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (Nagios may truncate output) This plugin checks an NTP server independent of any commandlineprograms or external libraries.Use this plugin to check the health of an NTP server. It supportschecking the offset with the sync peer, the jitter and stratum. Thisplugin will not check the clock offset between the local host and NTPserver; please use check_ntp_time for that purpose. See: https://www.nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT for THRESHOLD format and examples. ./check_ntp_peer -H ntpserv -w 0.5 -c 1Check jitter too, avoiding critical notifications if jitter isn't available(See Notes above for more details on thresholds formats):./check_ntp_peer -H ntpserv -w 0.5 -c 1 -j -1:100 -k -1:200Only check the number of usable time sources ("truechimers"):./check_ntp_peer -H ntpserv -m @5 -n @3./check_ntp_peer -H ntpserv -W 4 -C 6 Send email to help@nagios-plugins.org if you have questions regarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements, send email to devel@nagios-plugins.org NTP CRITICAL: No response from NTP server NTP CRITICAL: Invalid packet received from NTP server can not (re)allocate 'peers' buffer warning: no synchronization source found Getting offset, jitter and stratum for peer %.2x receiving READVAR response... The command failed. This is usually caused by servers refusing the 'jitter' variable. Restarting with 'dispersion'... Server didn't like dispersion either; will retrieve everything parsing offset from peer %.2x: error: unable to read server offset response. error: unable to read server jitter/dispersion response. parsing stratum from peer %.2x: error: unable to read server stratum response. Server has the LI_ALARM bit set(@&@(@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@(@&@&@&@(@&@&@&@&@(@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@`(@@(@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@ (@&@&@&@&@(@&@'@'@&@'@'@&@p'@`'@&@&@H'@&@8'@'@@@UNKNOWNfailed malloc in xvasprintf '%s'=%s=%s%d%s%s;%s%f'%s'=%ld%s;%s=%ld%s;%s%ld;%s%ld%s;%ldfailed malloc in strscat failed realloc in strpcpy -0123456789 %f%cOKWARNINGCRITICALDEPENDENT - Plugin timed out %s v%s (%s %s) %s: %s %s: %s - %c (null)%s: %s - %s %s: Timeout result must be a valid state name (OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN) or integer (0-3).Timeout value must be a positive integerp@s@{@@@.ASend failedReceive failedInvalid hostname/address - %sSocket creation failedNo data was received from host!Supplied path too long unix domain socketconnect to file socket %s: %s connect to address %s and port %d: %s NAGIOS_PLUGIN_STATE_DIRECTORY/var12Warning: chmod u+s yourpluginfile %s %s - Threshold not setWarning: start=%g end=%g; Warning not set; Critical: start=%g end=%gCritical not setCannot allocate memory:%s %s Cannot create directory:%s.XXXXXXw# NP State file %d %lu Error writing temp fileCannot rename state temp fileCannot execute strdup:%02x%s/%lu/%s/%sRange format incorrectThis plugin must be either run as root or setuid root.To run as root, you can use a tool like sudo.To set the setuid permissions, use the command:Cannot create temporary filenameUnable to open temporary state fileThis requires np_init to be calledInvalid character for keyname - only alphanumerics or '_'Warning level is a subset of critical and will not be alerted--extra-opts=--extra-optsmalloc() failed! Can't drop user permissions.malloc() failed!NAGIOS_CONFIG_PATHInsufficient MemoryCan't read config file.Can't read config file:Config file error' in config file 'Invalid section '%s%s%s%s' /etc/nagios-plugins.ini/etc/nagios/plugins.ini/etc/opt/nagios-plugins.ini/etc/opt/nagios/plugins.iniCannot find config file in any standard location.Can't read config file. Requested path is not a regular file.Can't restore user permissions./usr/local/nagios/etc/plugins.ini/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios-plugins.ini/usr/local/etc/nagios/plugins.ini/usr/local/etc/nagios/nagios-plugins.ini/usr/local/etc/nagios-plugins.ini/usr/local/etc/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins.ini/usr/local/etc/nagios-plugins/plugins.ini/etc/nagios/nagios-plugins.ini/etc/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins.ini/etc/nagios-plugins/plugins.ini/etc/opt/nagios/nagios-plugins.iniPOSIXLY_CORRECT-- '--%s'%s: invalid option -- '%c' %s: option '%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:%s: option '--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option '%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option '--%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option '--%s' %s: unrecognized option '%c%s' %s: option requires an argument -- '%c' %s: option '-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option '-W %s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option '-W %s' requires an argument ;dkPQXWWXXXX[P^^h8o8oPHphhpp8qxqqr r@8tuw0hypyyzH{{|8|X|x|(}h}}} ~0 X~P ~p     H 8 XP h ȁ H 0 P 8p  Ȏ ؎0 H ` Hx  H X 8 țX؟xHXpHX@ذ8 8`H XHpxH h8PhzRx  MVDM4hMED:TSqD@llTqD@lhTAT?4TBDA F0Q  CABA ,@WvBHA  ABF YL4Z BBE E(K0F8GK 8A0A(B BBBA LcBBB B(I0A8D 8D0A(B BBBD iv`jjjE4kt$Lk<AHG iAA$tk<AHG iAAkAA_ A kGLPlBEE E(A0D8GPO 8A0A(B BBBJ L,mBEE E(A0D8Gp[ 8A0A(B BBBF L|oBEE E(A0D8FD 8A0A(B BBBF <pBED A(F@{(A ABB q,D g$r=A{$D(rMMI0r A $lrMI S G HsRN@@s^N@Ks{N r H (t6AO H ]Ht.AQ F U4Xt,AQ F PTht1AQ F Xtt-D ht5AO H \t1AQ F Ut1AQ F Qu1AQ F U$  uAD0i AA 4u#LvDdv.D| v2DT A 4@vAIG M AAH _ AAG v1Dw;D(w'G@wAR,<xLaI J lyIAdP{FDPA$8{]GP I V J p{8AT K W{HDO E , {MMQ8 E $<`LMI@\Ld=BBE B(I0A8J_ 8C0A(B BBBF    O ȂPAK BA4 bD]L PDd D D  DN 3AQ F Z$ S  D _ A L BIE B(A0A8GP" 8D0A(B BBBF 4 AT ȇAl S $t x-\N0 E  AL4 BDA D@  AABI < hBBD A(D@ (D ABBD ,4 AAD0z AAF <d ȏ>BBA A(G (A ABBA < ȐBBD D(DP (A ABBA $ (MQ0s G  TDS I , ADW A $L PLI0` K t EL PBBB B(A0D8G` 8D0A(B BBBH L 8 BBB B(D0A8J3 8D0A(B BBBA , 8LD (\BIF B(A0A8Dh88A0A(B BBB$ 8PMMN@y G  `$ XADA< 0BEA A(G0 (G ABBL ,<hADGYAALl@(BEB B(A0I8G 8A0A(B BBBA $ ]@\ G $%]@T G D BFE B(E0F8o 0A(F BBBJ LTkBBB B(A0A8DQ 8D0A(B BBBD \D W D X( D [0D X8D V@D S4H$L@Q_@X0?I @ @o`@ @@  `0@@` oP@oo@`>@N@^@n@~@@@@@@@@@@@.@>@N@^@n@~@@@@@@@@@@@.@>@N@^@n@~@@@@@@@@@@@.@>@N@^@n@~@@@@@@@@@@@.@>@N@^@n@~@@@@@@@@@@@.@>@N@^@n@@@@+@/@2@;@C@C@I@I@{L@VT@hY@va@4j@6ǫ@qs@w{@c@W@C@j@k@m@n@t@H@p @@@@@p@@@@@@@@@ @H@@@h@@@?check_ntp_peer.debugߔ.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink @@ !<@<$4o`@`0> @pF @ No@[oP@Pj@`t0@0 ~@y(@(P@@@(" @d0@0t```````  ` 8