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XML file %sFailed to close file `%s': %sxml_filename != NULLSyncing dir "%s"Deleting useless dir "%s"Failed to delete "%s": %s/%gconf.xml.tmp/%gconf.xml.oldwFailed to write file `%s': %sCould not stat `%s': %sdir file %s not foundloaded dir %sgconf_valid_key(key, NULL)Duplicate entry `%s' in `%s', ignoringEntry with no name in XML file `%s', ignoringA toplevel node in XML file `%s' is <%s> rather than , ignoringXML backend file %s already existsCould not make directory "%s": %sFailed to create file `%s': %sFailed to set mode on `%s': %sFailed to write XML data to `%s': %sFailed to rename `%s' to `%s': %sFailed to restore `%s' from `%s': %sFailed to delete old file `%s': %sXML filename `%s' is a directory_gconf_parent_dirdir_set_schemadir_load_docdir_make_new_entrydir_rescan_subdirsdir_all_entrieslistify_foreachdir_unset_valuedir_get_metainfodir_get_parent_namedir_get_namedir_get_valuedir_set_valuedir_synccreate_fs_dirdir_ensure_existsdir_loaditer == propxml-entry.clocal_schemalocalestringvaluelist_typecar_typecdr_typestypeownershort_descdefaultlongdescltypelicarcdrvalue != NULLtype != NULLlist->data != NULL%umtimemusere->node != NULLrelative_name != NULLC(nil)No "value" attribute for node???found locale `%s'nullBad XML node: %sdefault_value == NULLcdr == NULLIgnoring XML node `%s': %swhy_bad == NULLSetting XML node to schema with locale `%s'value->type != GCONF_VALUE_INVALIDgconf_value_get_car(value) != NULLgconf_value_get_cdr(value) != NULLNo "type" attribute for <%s> nodeA node has unknown "type" attribute `%s', ignoringDidn't understand XML node <%s> inside an XML list nodefound <%s> with no locale settingFailed reading default value for schema: %sInvalid type (list, pair, or unknown) in a list nodeList contains a badly-typed node (%s, should be %s)Ignoring bad car from XML pair: %sparsing XML file: lists and pairs may not be placed inside a pairIgnoring bad cdr from XML pair: %sDidn't understand XML node <%s> inside an XML pair nodeDidn't find car and cdr for XML pair nodeMissing cdr from pair of values in XML fileMissing car from pair of values in XML fileMissing both car and cdr values from pair in XML file(value != NULL) || (err == NULL) || (*err != NULL)Ignoring schema name `%s', invalid: %sCached schema value has locale "%s", looking for %sIgnoring XML node with name `%s': %sP00my_xmlSetPropentry_sync_to_nodenode_set_valuenode_set_schema_valuefree_childsentry_fill_from_nodenode_extract_valueschema_subnode_extract_dataentry_set_mod_userentry_set_mod_timeentry_get_metainfoentry_unset_valueentry_set_valueentry_get_valueentry_newCouldn't find the XML root directory in the address `%s'Could not open lock directory for %s to remove locks: %s Failed to give up lock on XML directory "%s": %sRemove directory operation is no longer supported, just remove all the values in the directoryError syncing the XML backend directory cache: %sCould not make directory `%s': %sCan't read from or write to the XML root directory in the address "%s"Directory/file permissions for XML source at root %s are: %o/%oInitializing XML backend module%gconf-xml-backend.lockCould not remove file %s: %s Unloading XML backend module.timeout not found to remove?xs != NULLsource != NULLparent != NULLxml-backend.cXML backend: unset value `%s'(err == NULL || *err != NULL)readonly/.testing.writeabilityAcquired lock directory `%s'xs_destroyset_schemaset_valuequery_value;\ 80`p ИP@H@ ПPhP`Hp P(``Я8hpдк@ H ph   п0 H ` P 0p `  0P `h  @ p p 0XpP(@X p0@`HpP@ ppzRx p4h$L`N I I ctȑ2CF O U$N x J g I c$pMV0^ G $vN s G i P;AG0qA,,pPD b J L D [<\BNA A(GP (A ABEB $MI0 D XMD u J DL,D\ H A _ O I A _ ,4 LMN@L E dx|ph`X9DM G `x9DL H `$As D ` H x H ,,@2M^X E <\PADD ` AAE c AAK cAAlN c G 40+MN@j K ^ J U K (,  #M^M H 4< YAAG z DAH DCAtHNPK G ,ؤMV0 L ^$ȥHRD@ I 4LMP0j I ^ J n J W$$MK { M T,LPMN@p E U K ,|0M[Pr F Ы^Dv F ]$MMN`{ E  _N Z H ,, MV0f G \\tAn$|AID rAA,h MMS: I $HMV0g ,D\t0DS I <ADG h AAA ] AAE LAA*t BBB E(A0A8D@ 8C0A(B BBBF I 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