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Multiple `!' flags not allowedlibxtables: unhandled NFPROTO in %s interface name `%s' must be shorter than IFNAMSIZ (%i)Warning: weird character in interface `%s' ('/' and ' ' are not allowed by the kernel). %s: "%s" option may only be specified once%s: "%s" option cannot be inverted%s: Bad value for "%s" option: "%s"%s: At most one action is possibleunknown protocol `%s' specifiedinvalid port/service `%s' specifiedCould not set close on exec: %s Could not determine whether revision %u is supported, assuming it is. Could not open socket to kernel: %s getsockopt failed strangely: %s %s: match %s<%u> is missing a version %s: match "%s" has version "%s", but "%s" is required. %s: target `%s' has invalid name %s: BUG: match %s has invalid protocol family %s: match `%s' already registered. %s: match `%s' has invalid size %u. %s: target %s<%u> is missing a version %s: target "%s" has version "%s", but "%s" is required. %s: BUG: target %s has invalid protocol family %s: target `%s' already registered. %s: target `%s' has invalid size %u. IPTABLES_LIB_DIR is deprecated, use XTABLES_LIBDIR. IP6TABLES_LIB_DIR is deprecated, use XTABLES_LIBDIR. "\'_-0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZxtables_set_paramsxtables_set_nfproto;0 \,Ld,|,,TLl 4T|| $