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Gagal: Mohon mengisi semua input."; } else if ($post_level != "Member" AND $post_level != "Reseller" AND $post_level != "Admin" AND $post_level != "Agen") { $msg_type = "error"; $msg_content = "Gagal: Input tidak sesuai."; } else if ($post_status != "Active" AND $post_status != "Suspended") { $msg_type = "error"; $msg_content = "Gagal: Input tidak sesuai."; } else { $update_user = mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE users SET email = '$post_email', password = '$post_password', balance = '$post_balance', level = '$post_level', status = '$post_status' WHERE username = '$post_username'"); if ($update_user == TRUE) { $msg_type = "success"; $msg_content = "Berhasil: Pengguna berhasil diubah.
Email: $post_email
Username: $post_username
Password: $post_password
Level: $post_level
Status: $post_status
Saldo: Rp ".number_format($post_balance,0,',','.'); } else { $msg_type = "error"; $msg_content = "Gagal: Error system."; } } } $checkdb_user = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$post_username'"); $datadb_user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkdb_user); include("../../lib/headeradmin.php"); ?>

Ubah Pengguna
