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headers as $header => $value ) { $header_string .= "$header: $value\n"; } $poified = PO::poify( $header_string ); if ( $this->comments_before_headers ) { $before_headers = $this->prepend_each_line( rtrim( $this->comments_before_headers ) . "\n", '# ' ); } else { $before_headers = ''; } return rtrim( "{$before_headers}msgid \"\"\nmsgstr $poified" ); } /** * Exports all entries to PO format * * @return string sequence of mgsgid/msgstr PO strings, doesn't containt newline at the end */ function export_entries() { //TODO sorting return implode( "\n\n", array_map( array( 'PO', 'export_entry' ), $this->entries ) ); } /** * Exports the whole PO file as a string * * @param bool $include_headers whether to include the headers in the export * @return string ready for inclusion in PO file string for headers and all the enrtries */ function export( $include_headers = true ) { $res = ''; if ( $include_headers ) { $res .= $this->export_headers(); $res .= "\n\n"; } $res .= $this->export_entries(); return $res; } /** * Same as {@link export}, but writes the result to a file * * @param string $filename where to write the PO string * @param bool $include_headers whether to include tje headers in the export * @return bool true on success, false on error */ function export_to_file( $filename, $include_headers = true ) { $fh = fopen( $filename, 'w' ); if ( false === $fh ) { return false; } $export = $this->export( $include_headers ); $res = fwrite( $fh, $export ); if ( false === $res ) { return false; } return fclose( $fh ); } /** * Text to include as a comment before the start of the PO contents * * Doesn't need to include # in the beginning of lines, these are added automatically */ function set_comment_before_headers( $text ) { $this->comments_before_headers = $text; } /** * Formats a string in PO-style * * @param string $string the string to format * @return string the poified string */ public static function poify( $string ) { $quote = '"'; $slash = '\\'; $newline = "\n"; $replaces = array( "$slash" => "$slash$slash", "$quote" => "$slash$quote", "\t" => '\t', ); $string = str_replace( array_keys( $replaces ), array_values( $replaces ), $string ); $po = $quote . implode( "${slash}n$quote$newline$quote", explode( $newline, $string ) ) . $quote; // add empty string on first line for readbility if ( false !== strpos( $string, $newline ) && ( substr_count( $string, $newline ) > 1 || ! ( $newline === substr( $string, -strlen( $newline ) ) ) ) ) { $po = "$quote$quote$newline$po"; } // remove empty strings $po = str_replace( "$newline$quote$quote", '', $po ); return $po; } /** * Gives back the original string from a PO-formatted string * * @param string $string PO-formatted string * @return string enascaped string */ public static function unpoify( $string ) { $escapes = array( 't' => "\t", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", '\\' => '\\', ); $lines = array_map( 'trim', explode( "\n", $string ) ); $lines = array_map( array( 'PO', 'trim_quotes' ), $lines ); $unpoified = ''; $previous_is_backslash = false; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { preg_match_all( '/./u', $line, $chars ); $chars = $chars[0]; foreach ( $chars as $char ) { if ( ! $previous_is_backslash ) { if ( '\\' == $char ) { $previous_is_backslash = true; } else { $unpoified .= $char; } } else { $previous_is_backslash = false; $unpoified .= isset( $escapes[ $char ] ) ? $escapes[ $char ] : $char; } } } // Standardise the line endings on imported content, technically PO files shouldn't contain \r $unpoified = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $unpoified ); return $unpoified; } /** * Inserts $with in the beginning of every new line of $string and * returns the modified string * * @param string $string prepend lines in this string * @param string $with prepend lines with this string */ public static function prepend_each_line( $string, $with ) { $lines = explode( "\n", $string ); $append = ''; if ( "\n" === substr( $string, -1 ) && '' === end( $lines ) ) { // Last line might be empty because $string was terminated // with a newline, remove it from the $lines array, // we'll restore state by re-terminating the string at the end array_pop( $lines ); $append = "\n"; } foreach ( $lines as &$line ) { $line = $with . $line; } unset( $line ); return implode( "\n", $lines ) . $append; } /** * Prepare a text as a comment -- wraps the lines and prepends # * and a special character to each line * * @access private * @param string $text the comment text * @param string $char character to denote a special PO comment, * like :, default is a space */ public static function comment_block( $text, $char = ' ' ) { $text = wordwrap( $text, PO_MAX_LINE_LEN - 3 ); return PO::prepend_each_line( $text, "#$char " ); } /** * Builds a string from the entry for inclusion in PO file * * @param Translation_Entry $entry the entry to convert to po string (passed by reference). * @return false|string PO-style formatted string for the entry or * false if the entry is empty */ public static function export_entry( &$entry ) { if ( null === $entry->singular || '' === $entry->singular ) { return false; } $po = array(); if ( ! empty( $entry->translator_comments ) ) { $po[] = PO::comment_block( $entry->translator_comments ); } if ( ! empty( $entry->extracted_comments ) ) { $po[] = PO::comment_block( $entry->extracted_comments, '.' ); } if ( ! empty( $entry->references ) ) { $po[] = PO::comment_block( implode( ' ', $entry->references ), ':' ); } if ( ! empty( $entry->flags ) ) { $po[] = PO::comment_block( implode( ', ', $entry->flags ), ',' ); } if ( $entry->context ) { $po[] = 'msgctxt ' . PO::poify( $entry->context ); } $po[] = 'msgid ' . PO::poify( $entry->singular ); if ( ! $entry->is_plural ) { $translation = empty( $entry->translations ) ? '' : $entry->translations[0]; $translation = PO::match_begin_and_end_newlines( $translation, $entry->singular ); $po[] = 'msgstr ' . PO::poify( $translation ); } else { $po[] = 'msgid_plural ' . PO::poify( $entry->plural ); $translations = empty( $entry->translations ) ? array( '', '' ) : $entry->translations; foreach ( $translations as $i => $translation ) { $translation = PO::match_begin_and_end_newlines( $translation, $entry->plural ); $po[] = "msgstr[$i] " . PO::poify( $translation ); } } return implode( "\n", $po ); } public static function match_begin_and_end_newlines( $translation, $original ) { if ( '' === $translation ) { return $translation; } $original_begin = "\n" === substr( $original, 0, 1 ); $original_end = "\n" === substr( $original, -1 ); $translation_begin = "\n" === substr( $translation, 0, 1 ); $translation_end = "\n" === substr( $translation, -1 ); if ( $original_begin ) { if ( ! $translation_begin ) { $translation = "\n" . $translation; } } elseif ( $translation_begin ) { $translation = ltrim( $translation, "\n" ); } if ( $original_end ) { if ( ! $translation_end ) { $translation .= "\n"; } } elseif ( $translation_end ) { $translation = rtrim( $translation, "\n" ); } return $translation; } /** * @param string $filename * @return boolean */ function import_from_file( $filename ) { $f = fopen( $filename, 'r' ); if ( ! $f ) { return false; } $lineno = 0; while ( true ) { $res = $this->read_entry( $f, $lineno ); if ( ! $res ) { break; } if ( $res['entry']->singular == '' ) { $this->set_headers( $this->make_headers( $res['entry']->translations[0] ) ); } else { $this->add_entry( $res['entry'] ); } } PO::read_line( $f, 'clear' ); if ( false === $res ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->headers && ! $this->entries ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Helper function for read_entry * * @param string $context * @return bool */ protected static function is_final( $context ) { return ( $context === 'msgstr' ) || ( $context === 'msgstr_plural' ); } /** * @param resource $f * @param int $lineno * @return null|false|array */ function read_entry( $f, $lineno = 0 ) { $entry = new Translation_Entry(); // where were we in the last step // can be: comment, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, msgstr, msgstr_plural $context = ''; $msgstr_index = 0; while ( true ) { $lineno++; $line = PO::read_line( $f ); if ( ! $line ) { if ( feof( $f ) ) { if ( self::is_final( $context ) ) { break; } elseif ( ! $context ) { // we haven't read a line and eof came return null; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } if ( $line == "\n" ) { continue; } $line = trim( $line ); if ( preg_match( '/^#/', $line, $m ) ) { // the comment is the start of a new entry if ( self::is_final( $context ) ) { PO::read_line( $f, 'put-back' ); $lineno--; break; } // comments have to be at the beginning if ( $context && $context != 'comment' ) { return false; } // add comment $this->add_comment_to_entry( $entry, $line ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^msgctxt\s+(".*")/', $line, $m ) ) { if ( self::is_final( $context ) ) { PO::read_line( $f, 'put-back' ); $lineno--; break; } if ( $context && $context != 'comment' ) { return false; } $context = 'msgctxt'; $entry->context .= PO::unpoify( $m[1] ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^msgid\s+(".*")/', $line, $m ) ) { if ( self::is_final( $context ) ) { PO::read_line( $f, 'put-back' ); $lineno--; break; } if ( $context && $context != 'msgctxt' && $context != 'comment' ) { return false; } $context = 'msgid'; $entry->singular .= PO::unpoify( $m[1] ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^msgid_plural\s+(".*")/', $line, $m ) ) { if ( $context != 'msgid' ) { return false; } $context = 'msgid_plural'; $entry->is_plural = true; $entry->plural .= PO::unpoify( $m[1] ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^msgstr\s+(".*")/', $line, $m ) ) { if ( $context != 'msgid' ) { return false; } $context = 'msgstr'; $entry->translations = array( PO::unpoify( $m[1] ) ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^msgstr\[(\d+)\]\s+(".*")/', $line, $m ) ) { if ( $context != 'msgid_plural' && $context != 'msgstr_plural' ) { return false; } $context = 'msgstr_plural'; $msgstr_index = $m[1]; $entry->translations[ $m[1] ] = PO::unpoify( $m[2] ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^".*"$/', $line ) ) { $unpoified = PO::unpoify( $line ); switch ( $context ) { case 'msgid': $entry->singular .= $unpoified; break; case 'msgctxt': $entry->context .= $unpoified; break; case 'msgid_plural': $entry->plural .= $unpoified; break; case 'msgstr': $entry->translations[0] .= $unpoified; break; case 'msgstr_plural': $entry->translations[ $msgstr_index ] .= $unpoified; break; default: return false; } } else { return false; } } $have_translations = false; foreach ( $entry->translations as $t ) { if ( $t || ( '0' === $t ) ) { $have_translations = true; break; } } if ( false === $have_translations ) { $entry->translations = array(); } return array( 'entry' => $entry, 'lineno' => $lineno, ); } /** * @staticvar string $last_line * @staticvar boolean $use_last_line * * @param resource $f * @param string $action * @return boolean */ function read_line( $f, $action = 'read' ) { static $last_line = ''; static $use_last_line = false; if ( 'clear' == $action ) { $last_line = ''; return true; } if ( 'put-back' == $action ) { $use_last_line = true; return true; } $line = $use_last_line ? $last_line : fgets( $f ); $line = ( "\r\n" == substr( $line, -2 ) ) ? rtrim( $line, "\r\n" ) . "\n" : $line; $last_line = $line; $use_last_line = false; return $line; } /** * @param Translation_Entry $entry * @param string $po_comment_line */ function add_comment_to_entry( &$entry, $po_comment_line ) { $first_two = substr( $po_comment_line, 0, 2 ); $comment = trim( substr( $po_comment_line, 2 ) ); if ( '#:' == $first_two ) { $entry->references = array_merge( $entry->references, preg_split( '/\s+/', $comment ) ); } elseif ( '#.' == $first_two ) { $entry->extracted_comments = trim( $entry->extracted_comments . "\n" . $comment ); } elseif ( '#,' == $first_two ) { $entry->flags = array_merge( $entry->flags, preg_split( '/,\s*/', $comment ) ); } else { $entry->translator_comments = trim( $entry->translator_comments . "\n" . $comment ); } } /** * @param string $s * @return sring */ public static function trim_quotes( $s ) { if ( substr( $s, 0, 1 ) == '"' ) { $s = substr( $s, 1 ); } if ( substr( $s, -1, 1 ) == '"' ) { $s = substr( $s, 0, -1 ); } return $s; } } endif;