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#!/usr/bin/perl package NetAddr::IP::InetBase; use strict; #use diagnostics; #use lib qw(blib lib); use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT_OK @ISA %EXPORT_TAGS $Mode); use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 0.08 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; @EXPORT_OK = qw( inet_aton inet_ntoa ipv6_aton ipv6_ntoa ipv6_n2x ipv6_n2d inet_any2n inet_n2dx inet_n2ad inet_ntop inet_pton packzeros isIPv4 isNewIPv4 isAnyIPv4 AF_INET AF_INET6 fake_AF_INET6 fillIPv4 ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [@EXPORT_OK], ipv4 => [qw( inet_aton inet_ntoa fillIPv4 )], ipv6 => [qw( ipv6_aton ipv6_ntoa ipv6_n2x ipv6_n2d inet_any2n inet_n2dx inet_n2ad inet_pton inet_ntop packzeros )], ); # prototypes sub inet_ntoa; sub ipv6_aton; sub ipv6_ntoa; sub inet_any2n($); sub inet_n2dx($); sub inet_n2ad($); sub _inet_ntop; sub _inet_pton; my $emulateAF_INET6 = 0; { no warnings 'once'; *packzeros = \&_packzeros; ## dynamic configuraton for IPv6 require Socket; *AF_INET = \&Socket::AF_INET; if (eval { AF_INET6() } ) { *AF_INET6 = \&Socket::AF_INET6; $emulateAF_INET6 = -1; # have it, remind below } if (eval{ require Socket6 } ) { import Socket6 qw( inet_pton inet_ntop ); unless ($emulateAF_INET6) { *AF_INET6 = \&Socket6::AF_INET6; } $emulateAF_INET6 = 0; # clear, have it from elsewhere or here } else { unless ($emulateAF_INET6) { # unlikely at this point if ($^O =~ /(?:free|dragon.+)bsd/i) { # FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD $emulateAF_INET6 = 28; } elsif ($^O =~ /bsd/i) { # other BSD flavors like NetBDS, OpenBSD, BSD $emulateAF_INET6 = 24; } elsif ($^O =~ /(?:darwin|mac)/i) { # Mac OS X $emulateAF_INET6 = 30; } elsif ($^O =~ /win/i) { # Windows $emulateAF_INET6 = 23; } elsif ($^O =~ /(?:solaris|sun)/i) { # Sun box $emulateAF_INET6 = 26; } else { # use linux default $emulateAF_INET6 = 10; } *AF_INET6 = sub { $emulateAF_INET6; }; } else { $emulateAF_INET6 = 0; # clear, have it from elsewhere } *inet_pton = \&_inet_pton; *inet_ntop = \&_inet_ntop; } } # end no warnings 'once' sub fake_AF_INET6 { return $emulateAF_INET6; } # allow user to choose upper or lower case BEGIN { use vars qw($n2x_format $n2d_format); $n2x_format = "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x"; $n2d_format = "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%d.%d.%d.%d"; } my $case = 0; # default lower case sub upper { $n2x_format = uc($n2x_format); $n2d_format = uc($n2d_format); $case = 1; } sub lower { $n2x_format = lc($n2x_format); $n2d_format = lc($n2d_format); $case = 0; } sub ipv6_n2x { die "Bad arg length for 'ipv6_n2x', length is ". length($_[0]) ." should be 16" unless length($_[0]) == 16; return sprintf($n2x_format,unpack("n8",$_[0])); } sub ipv6_n2d { die "Bad arg length for 'ipv6_n2d', length is ". length($_[0]) ." should be 16" unless length($_[0]) == 16; my @hex = (unpack("n8",$_[0])); $hex[9] = $hex[7] & 0xff; $hex[8] = $hex[7] >> 8; $hex[7] = $hex[6] & 0xff; $hex[6] >>= 8; return sprintf($n2d_format,@hex); } # if Socket lib is broken in some way, check for overange values # #my $overange = yinet_aton('256.1') ? 1:0; #my $overange = gethostbyname('256.1') ? 1:0; #sub inet_aton { # unless (! $overange || $_[0] =~ /[^0-9\.]/) { # hostname # my @dq = split(/\./,$_[0]); # foreach (@dq) { # return undef if $_ > 255; # } # } # scalar gethostbyname($_[0]); #} sub fillIPv4 { my $host = $_[0]; return undef unless defined $host; if ($host =~ /^(\d+)(?:|\.(\d+)(?:|\.(\d+)(?:|\.(\d+))))$/) { if (defined $4) { return undef unless $1 >= 0 && $1 < 256 && $2 >= 0 && $2 < 256 && $3 >= 0 && $3 < 256 && $4 >= 0 && $4 < 256; $host = $1.'.'.$2.'.'.$3.'.'.$4; # return pack('C4',$1,$2,$3,$4); # $host = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4; } elsif (defined $3) { return undef unless $1 >= 0 && $1 < 256 && $2 >= 0 && $2 < 256 && $3 >= 0 && $3 < 256; $host = $1.'.'.$2.'.0.'.$3 # return pack('C4',$1,$2,0,$3); # $host = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + $3; } elsif (defined $2) { return undef unless $1 >= 0 && $1 < 256 && $2 >= 0 && $2 < 256; $host = $1.'.0.0.'.$2; # return pack('C4',$1,0,0,$2); # $host = ($1 << 24) + $2; } else { $host = '0.0.0.'.$1; # return pack('C4',0,0,0,$1); # $host = $1; } # return pack('N',$host); } $host; } sub inet_aton { my $host = fillIPv4($_[0]); return $host ? scalar gethostbyname($host) : undef; } #sub inet_aton { # my $host = $_[0]; # return undef unless defined $host; # if ($host =~ /^(\d+)(?:|\.(\d+)(?:|\.(\d+)(?:|\.(\d+))))$/) { # if (defined $4) { # return undef unless # $1 >= 0 && $1 < 256 && # $2 >= 0 && $2 < 256 && # $3 >= 0 && $3 < 256 && # $4 >= 0 && $4 < 256; # return pack('C4',$1,$2,$3,$4); ## $host = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4; # } elsif (defined $3) { # return undef unless # $1 >= 0 && $1 < 256 && # $2 >= 0 && $2 < 256 && # $3 >= 0 && $3 < 256; # return pack('C4',$1,$2,0,$3); ## $host = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + $3; # } elsif (defined $2) { # return undef unless # $1 >= 0 && $1 < 256 && # $2 >= 0 && $2 < 256; # return pack('C4',$1,0,0,$2); ## $host = ($1 << 24) + $2; # } else { # return pack('C4',0,0,0,$1); ## $host = $1; # } ## return pack('N',$host); # } # scalar gethostbyname($host); #} my $_zero = pack('L4',0,0,0,0); my $_ipv4mask = pack('L4',0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0); sub isIPv4 { if (length($_[0]) != 16) { my $sub = (caller(1))[3] || (caller(0))[3]; die "Bad arg length for $sub, length is ". (length($_[0]) *8) .", should be 128"; } return ($_[0] & $_ipv4mask) eq $_zero ? 1 : 0; } my $_newV4compat = pack('N4',0,0,0xffff,0); sub isNewIPv4 { my $naddr = $_[0] ^ $_newV4compat; return isIPv4($naddr); } sub isAnyIPv4 { my $naddr = $_[0]; my $rv = isIPv4($_[0]); return $rv if $rv; return isNewIPv4($naddr); } sub DESTROY {}; sub import { if (grep { $_ eq ':upper' } @_) { upper(); @_ = grep { $_ ne ':upper' } @_; } NetAddr::IP::InetBase->export_to_level(1,@_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME NetAddr::IP::InetBase -- IPv4 and IPV6 utilities =head1 SYNOPSIS use NetAddr::IP::Base qw( :upper inet_aton inet_ntoa ipv6_aton ipv6_ntoa ipv6_n2x ipv6_n2d inet_any2n inet_n2dx inet_n2ad inet_pton inet_ntop packzeros isIPv4 isNewIPv4 isAnyIPv4 AF_INET AF_INET6 fake_AF_INET6 fillIPv4 ); use NetAddr::IP::Util qw(:all :inet :ipv4 :ipv6 :math) :ipv4 => inet_aton, inet_ntoa, fillIPv4 :ipv6 => ipv6_aton, ipv6_ntoa,ipv6_n2x, ipv6_n2d, inet_any2n, inet_n2dx, inet_n2ad inet_pton, inet_ntop, packzeros $dotquad = inet_ntoa($netaddr); $netaddr = inet_aton($dotquad); $ipv6naddr = ipv6_aton($ipv6_text); $ipv6_text = ipv6_ntoa($ipv6naddr); $hex_text = ipv6_n2x($ipv6naddr); $dec_text = ipv6_n2d($ipv6naddr); $ipv6naddr = inet_any2n($dotquad or $ipv6_text); $dotquad or $hex_text = inet_n2dx($ipv6naddr); $dotquad or $dec_text = inet_n2ad($ipv6naddr); $netaddr = inet_pton($AF_family,$text_addr); $text_addr = inet_ntop($AF_family,$netaddr); $hex_text = packzeros($hex_text); $rv = isIPv4($bits128); $rv = isNewIPv4($bits128); $rv = isAnyIPv4($bits128); $constant = AF_INET(); $constant = AF_INET6(); $trueif = fake_AF_INET6(); $ip_filled = fillIPv4($shortIP); NetAddr::IP::InetBase::lower(); NetAddr::IP::InetBase::upper(); =head1 INSTALLATION Un-tar the distribution in an appropriate directory and type: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install =head1 DESCRIPTION B provides a suite network of conversion functions written in pure Perl for converting both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to and from network address format and text format. The IPv6 functions support all rfc1884 formats. i.e. x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x x:x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d ::x:x:x ::x:d.d.d.d and so on... =over 4 =item * $dotquad = inet_ntoa($netaddr); Convert a packed IPv4 network address to a dot-quad IP address. input: packed network address returns: IP address i.e. =cut sub inet_ntoa { die 'Bad arg length for '. __PACKAGE__ ."::inet_ntoa, length is ". length($_[0]) ." should be 4" unless length($_[0]) == 4; my @hex = (unpack("n2",$_[0])); $hex[3] = $hex[1] & 0xff; $hex[2] = $hex[1] >> 8; $hex[1] = $hex[0] & 0xff; $hex[0] >>= 8; return sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",@hex); } =item * $netaddr = inet_aton($dotquad); Convert a dot-quad IP address into an IPv4 packed network address. input: IP address i.e. returns: packed network address =item * $ipv6addr = ipv6_aton($ipv6_text); Takes an IPv6 address of the form described in rfc1884 and returns a 128 bit binary RDATA string. input: ipv6 text returns: 128 bit RDATA string =cut sub ipv6_aton { my($ipv6) = @_; return undef unless $ipv6; local($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); if ($ipv6 =~ /^(.*:)(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/) { # mixed hex, dot-quad return undef if $2 > 255 || $3 > 255 || $4 > 255 || $5 > 255; $ipv6 = sprintf("%s%X%02X:%X%02X",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); # convert to pure hex } my $c; return undef if $ipv6 =~ /[^:0-9a-fA-F]/ || # non-hex character (($c = $ipv6) =~ s/::/x/ && $c =~ /(?:x|:):/) || # double :: ::? $ipv6 =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]{5,}/; # more than 4 digits $c = $ipv6 =~ tr/:/:/; # count the colons return undef if $c < 7 && $ipv6 !~ /::/; if ($c > 7) { # strip leading or trailing :: return undef unless $ipv6 =~ s/^::/:/ || $ipv6 =~ s/::$/:/; return undef if --$c > 7; } while ($c++ < 7) { # expand compressed fields $ipv6 =~ s/::/:::/; } $ipv6 .= 0 if $ipv6 =~ /:$/; my @hex = split(/:/,$ipv6); foreach(0..$#hex) { $hex[$_] = hex($hex[$_] || 0); } pack("n8",@hex); } =item * $ipv6text = ipv6_ntoa($ipv6naddr); Convert a 128 bit binary IPv6 address to compressed rfc 1884 text representation. input: 128 bit RDATA string returns: ipv6 text =cut sub ipv6_ntoa { return inet_ntop(AF_INET6(),$_[0]); } =item * $hex_text = ipv6_n2x($ipv6addr); Takes an IPv6 RDATA string and returns an 8 segment IPv6 hex address input: 128 bit RDATA string returns: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x Note: this function does NOT compress adjacent strings of 0:0:0:0 into the :: format =item * $dec_text = ipv6_n2d($ipv6addr); Takes an IPv6 RDATA string and returns a mixed hex - decimal IPv6 address with the 6 uppermost chunks in hex and the lower 32 bits in dot-quad representation. input: 128 bit RDATA string returns: x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d Note: this function does NOT compress adjacent strings of 0:0:0:0 into the :: format =item * $ipv6naddr = inet_any2n($dotquad or $ipv6_text); This function converts a text IPv4 or IPv6 address in text format in any standard notation into a 128 bit IPv6 string address. It prefixes any dot-quad address (if found) with '::' and passes it to B. input: dot-quad or rfc1844 address returns: 128 bit IPv6 string =cut sub inet_any2n($) { my($addr) = @_; $addr = '' unless $addr; $addr = '::' . $addr unless $addr =~ /:/; return ipv6_aton($addr); } =item * $dotquad or $hex_text = inet_n2dx($ipv6naddr); This function B and returns the text for either a dot-quad IPv4 or a hex notation IPv6 address. input: 128 bit IPv6 string returns: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd or x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x Note: this function does NOT compress adjacent strings of 0:0:0:0 into the :: format =cut sub inet_n2dx($) { my($nadr) = @_; if (isAnyIPv4($nadr)) { local $1; ipv6_n2d($nadr) =~ /([^:]+)$/; return $1; } return ipv6_n2x($nadr); } =item * $dotquad or $dec_text = inet_n2ad($ipv6naddr); This function B and returns the text for either a dot-quad IPv4 or a hex::decimal notation IPv6 address. input: 128 bit IPv6 string returns: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd or x:x:x:x:x:x:ddd.ddd.ddd.dd Note: this function does NOT compress adjacent strings of 0:0:0:0 into the :: format =cut sub inet_n2ad($) { my($nadr) = @_; my $addr = ipv6_n2d($nadr); return $addr unless isAnyIPv4($nadr); local $1; $addr =~ /([^:]+)$/; return $1; } =item * $netaddr = inet_pton($AF_family,$text_addr); This function takes an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 text format and converts it into binary format. The type of IP address conversion is controlled by the FAMILY argument. NOTE: inet_pton, inet_ntop and AF_INET6 come from the Socket6 library if it is present on this host. =cut sub _inet_pton { my($af,$ip) = @_; die 'Bad address family for '. __PACKAGE__ ."::inet_pton, got $af" unless $af == AF_INET6() || $af == AF_INET(); if ($af == AF_INET()) { inet_aton($ip); } else { ipv6_aton($ip); } } =item * $text_addr = inet_ntop($AF_family,$netaddr); This function takes and IP address in binary format and converts it into text format. The type of IP address conversion is controlled by the FAMILY argument. NOTE: inet_ntop ALWAYS returns lowercase characters. NOTE: inet_pton, inet_ntop and AF_INET6 come from the Socket6 library if it is present on this host. =cut sub _inet_ntop { my($af,$naddr) = @_; die 'Unsupported address family for '. __PACKAGE__ ."::inet_ntop, af is $af" unless $af == AF_INET6() || $af == AF_INET(); if ($af == AF_INET()) { inet_ntoa($naddr); } else { return ($case) ? lc packzeros(ipv6_n2x($naddr)) : _packzeros(ipv6_n2x($naddr)); } } =item * $hex_text = packzeros($hex_text); This function optimizes and rfc 1884 IPv6 hex address to reduce the number of long strings of zero bits as specified in rfc 1884, 2.2 (2) by substituting B<::> for the first occurence of the longest string of zeros in the address. =cut sub _packzeros { my $x6 = shift; if ($x6 =~ /\:\:/) { # already contains :: # then re-optimize $x6 = ($x6 =~ /\:\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) # ipv4 notation ? ? ipv6_n2d(ipv6_aton($x6)) : ipv6_n2x(ipv6_aton($x6)); } $x6 = ':'. lc $x6; # prefix : & always lower case my $d = ''; if ($x6 =~ /(.+\:)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) { # if contains dot quad $x6 = $1; # save hex piece $d = $2; # and dot quad piece } $x6 .= ':'; # suffix : $x6 =~ s/\:0+/\:0/g; # compress strings of 0's to single '0' $x6 =~ s/\:0([1-9a-f]+)/\:$1/g; # eliminate leading 0's in hex strings my @x = $x6 =~ /(?:\:0)*/g; # split only strings of :0:0..." my $m = 0; my $i = 0; for (0..$#x) { # find next longest pattern :0:0:0... my $len = length($x[$_]); next unless $len > $m; $m = $len; $i = $_; # index to first longest pattern } if ($m > 2) { # there was a string of 2 or more zeros $x6 =~ s/$x[$i]/\:/; # replace first longest :0:0:0... with "::" unless ($i) { # if it is the first match, $i = 0 $x6 = substr($x6,0,-1); # keep the leading ::, remove trailing ':' } else { $x6 = substr($x6,1,-1); # else remove leading & trailing ':' } $x6 .= ':' unless $x6 =~ /\:\:/; # restore ':' if match and we can't see it, implies trailing '::' } else { # there was no match $x6 = substr($x6,1,-1); # remove leading & trailing ':' } $x6 .= $d; # append digits if any return $case ? uc $x6 : $x6; } =item * $ipv6naddr = ipv4to6($netaddr); Convert an ipv4 network address into an ipv6 network address. input: 32 bit network address returns: 128 bit network address =item * $rv = isIPv4($bits128); This function returns true if there are no on bits present in the IPv6 portion of the 128 bit string and false otherwise. i.e. the address must be of the form - ::d.d.d.d Note: this is an old and deprecated ipV4 compatible ipV6 address =item * $rv = isNewIPv4($bits128); This function return true if the IPv6 128 bit string is of the form ::ffff:d.d.d.d =item * $rv = isAnyIPv4($bits128); This function return true if the IPv6 bit string is of the form ::d.d.d.d or ::ffff:d.d.d.d =item * NetAddr::IP::InetBase::lower(); Return IPv6 strings in lowercase. This is the default. =item * NetAddr::IP::InetBase::upper(); Return IPv6 strings in uppercase. The default may be set to uppercase when the module is loaded by invoking the TAG :upper. i.e. use NetAddr::IP::InetBase qw( :upper ); =item * $constant = AF_INET; This function returns the system value for AF_INET. =item * $constant = AF_INET6; AF_INET6 is sometimes present in the Socket library and always present in the Socket6 library. When the Socket library does not contain AF_INET6 and when Socket6 is not present, a place holder value is C based on the underlying host operating system. See B below. NOTE: inet_pton, inet_ntop and AF_INET6 come from the Socket6 library if it is present on this host. =item * $trueif = fake_AF_INET6; This function return FALSE if AF_INET6 is provided by Socket or Socket6. Otherwise, it returns the best guess value based on name of the host operating system. =item * $ip_filled = fillIPv4($shortIP); This function converts IPv4 addresses of the form 127.1 to the long form If the function is passed an argument that does not match the form of an IP address, the original argument is returned. i.e. pass it a hostname or a short IP and it will return a hostname or a filled IP. =back =head1 EXPORT_OK :upper inet_aton inet_ntoa ipv6_aton ipv6_ntoa ipv6_n2x ipv6_n2d inet_any2n inet_n2dx inet_n2ad inet_pton inet_ntop packzeros isIPv4 isNewIPv4 isAnyIPv4 AF_INET AF_INET6 fake_AF_INET6 fillIPv4 =head1 %EXPORT_TAGS :all :ipv4 :ipv6 :upper =head1 AUTHOR Michael Robinton =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003 - 2012, Michael Robinton Emichael@bizsystems.comE All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version, or b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this distribution. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this distribution, in the file named "Artistic". If not, I'll be glad to provide one. You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or visit their web page on the internet at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. =head1 AUTHOR Michael Robinton =head1 SEE ALSO NetAddr::IP(3), NetAddr::IP::Lite(3), NetAddr::IP::Util(3) =cut 1;