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#!/usr/bin/perl $VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 1603 $)[1]; =head1 NAME check_soa - Check nameservers for a domain =head1 SYNOPSIS check_soa [-d] [-n] [-s] [-t] [-v] domain [nameserver] =head1 DESCRIPTION B builds a list of nameservers for the zone which contains the specified domain name. The program queries each nameserver for the relevant SOA record and reports the zone serial number. Error reports are generated for nameservers which reply with incorrect, non-authoritative or outdated information. =over 8 =item I Fully qualified domain name to be tested. Domains within ip6.arpa or in-addr.arpa namespaces may be specified using the appropriate IP address or prefix notation. =item I Optional name or list of IP addresses of specific nameserver to be tested. Addresses are used in the sequence they appear in the argument list. =back SOA query packets are sent to the nameservers as rapidly as the underlying hardware will allow. The program waits for a response only when it is needed for analysis. Execution time is determined by the slowest nameserver. This perldoc(1) documentation page is displayed if the I argument is omitted. The program is based on the B idea described by Albitz and Liu. =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-d> Turn on resolver diagnostics. =item B<-n> Report negative cache TTL. =item B<-s> Request DNSSEC resource records. =item B<-t> Ignore UDP datagram truncation. =item B<-v> Verbose output including address records for each nameserver. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =over 8 =item check_soa example.com Query all nameservers for the specified domain. =item check_soa Query nameservers for the corresponding in-addr.arpa subdomain. =item check_soa 2001:DB8::8:800:200C:417A Query nameservers for the corresponding ip6.arpa subdomain. =item check_soa 2001:DB8:0:CD30::/60 As above, for IPv6 address prefix of specified length. =item check_soa z.arin.net Query specific nameserver as above. =back =head1 BUGS The program can become confused by zones which originate, or appear to originate, from more than one primary server. The timeout code uses the perl 4-argument select() function. This is not guaranteed to work in non-Unix environments. =head1 COPYRIGHT (c) 2003-2011 Dick Franks Erwfranks[...]acm.orgE All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may use or redistribute it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO Paul Albitz, Cricket Liu. DNS and BIND, 5th Edition. O'Reilly, 2006. Andrews, M., Locally Served DNS Zones, RFC6303, IETF, 2011. Andrews, M., Negative Caching of DNS Queries, RFC2308, IETF Network Working Group, 1998. Elz, R., Bush, R., Clarifications to the DNS Specification, RFC2181, IETF Network Working Group, 1997. Mockapetris, P., Domain Names - Implementation and Specification, RFC 1035, USC/ISI, 1987. Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant. Programming Perl, 3rd Edition. O'Reilly, 2000. =cut use strict; use constant UTF8 => scalar eval { ## not UTF-EBCDIC [see UTR#16 3.6] require Encode; Encode::encode_utf8( chr(182) ) eq pack( 'H*', 'C2B6' ); }; my $self = $0; # script my $options = 'dnstv'; # options my %option; eval { require Getopt::Std; Getopt::Std::getopts( $options, \%option ) }; warn "Can't locate Getopt::Std\n" if $@; my @arg = qw( domain [nameserver] ); # arguments my @flag = map "[-$_]", split( //, $options ); # documentation die eval { system("perldoc -F $self"); "" }, < ( $option{d} || 0 ), # -d enable diagnostics igntc => ( $option{t} || 0 ) # -t ignore truncation ); my $negtest = $option{n}; # -n report NCACHE TTL my $dnssec = $option{s}; # -s request DNSSEC RRs my $verbose = $option{v}; # -v verbose my $neg_min = 300; # NCACHE TTL reporting threshold my $neg_max = 86400; # NCACHE TTL reporting threshold my $udp_timeout = 5; # timeout for concurrent queries my $udp_wait = 0.100; # minimum polling interval local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { }; # suppress all warnings my $resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver(@conf); # create resolver object $resolver->nameservers(@nameserver) or die $resolver->string; my ($question) = new Net::DNS::Packet($domain)->question; # invert IP address/prefix my $name = lc $question->qname; my $NetDNSrev = &Net::DNS::version; die "\tFeature not supported by Net::DNS $NetDNSrev\n" if $name =~ m#[:/\s]|\.\d+$#; my $packet = $resolver->send( "*.$name", 'NULL' ) or die $resolver->errorstring; my ($zone) = map lc( $_->name ), $packet->authority; my @ns = ( $zone or $name eq '.' ) ? NS($zone) : (); # find NS serving name die "\nno such zone: $name\n\n", $resolver->string unless @ns; # game over my @nsname = grep $_ ne $zone, map $_->nsdname, @ns; # extract server names from NS records my @server = @nameserver ? (@nameserver) : ( sort @nsname ); $resolver->dnssec(1) if $dnssec; my @soa = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', displayRR( $zone, 'SOA' ); foreach my $soa (@soa) { # simple sanity check my $owner = lc $soa->name; # zone name my $mname = lc $soa->mname; # primary server my $rname = lc $soa->rname; # responsible person my $resolved; # check MNAME resolvable foreach my $rrtype (qw( A AAAA CNAME )) { my $probe = $resolver->send( $mname, $rrtype ); next unless $probe; last if ( $resolved = scalar $probe->answer ); } for ($mname) { last unless $_ eq $owner; # RFC6303 local zone displayRR( $zone, 'NS' ) unless @nameserver; # ensure NS always listed last unless /(in-addr|ip6)\.arpa/i; report('unexpected address record in locally served zone [RFC6303]') if $resolved; } last unless @nsname; # suppress remaining tests report( 'unresolved MNAME', $mname ) unless $resolved; unless ( $rname =~ /(@|[^\\]\.)([^@]+)$/ ) { # parse RNAME report( 'incomplete RNAME', $rname ) unless $rname eq '<>'; } elsif ( $2 ne $mname ) { my $resolved; # check RNAME resolvable foreach my $rrtype (qw( MX A AAAA CNAME )) { my $probe = $resolver->send( $2, $rrtype ); last if ( $resolved = scalar $probe->answer ); } report( 'unresolved RNAME', $rname ) unless $resolved; } if ( $soa->expire < $soa->refresh ) { # check refresh/retry timing report('slave expires zone data before scheduled refresh'); } else { my $window = $soa->expire - $soa->refresh - 1; # zone transfer window my $retry = $soa->retry || 1; # retry interval my $n = 1 + int( $window / $retry ); # number of transfer attempts my $s = $n > 1 ? 's' : ''; report("slave expires zone data after $n transfer failure$s") unless $n > 3; } my ($min) = sort { $a <=> $b } ( $soa->minimum, $soa->ttl ); # force NCACHE test for extreme TTLs $negtest++ if $min < $neg_min or $soa->minimum > $neg_max; } my @ncache = $negtest ? NCACHE($zone) : (); # report observed NCACHE TTL foreach my $rrtype (qw( A AAAA PTR )) { # nobody believes in ANY any more displayRR( $name, $rrtype ); } displayRR( $zone, 'NS' ) if @nameserver; # show NS if testing specific nameserver print "----\n"; my ( $bad, $seq, $iphash ) = checkNS( $zone, @server ); # report status $iphash->{$seq} ||= ''; print "\n"; my $s = $bad != 1 ? 's' : ''; print "Unsatisfactory response from $bad nameserver$s\n\n" if $bad and @server > 1; my %mname = reverse %$iphash; # invert address hash my $mcount = keys %mname; # number of distinct MNAMEs if ( $mcount > 1 ) { report('SOAs do not identify unique primary server'); # RFC1034, 4.3.5 foreach my $mname ( sort keys %mname ) { foreach ( $mname, $resolver->nameservers($mname) ) { delete $iphash->{$_} } } my %serial = map { ( $iphash->{$_} => $_ ) } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$iphash; foreach ( sort keys %mname ) { report( sprintf '%10s %s', $serial{$_}, $_ ) } } exit; sub checkNS0 { ## initial status vector for checkNS my $serial = undef; my $hash = {}; my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver(@conf); foreach my $soa ( grep $_->type eq 'SOA', @ncache, @soa ) { my $mname = lc $soa->mname; # populate hash with name/IP of primary next if $mname eq lc $soa->name; # RFC6303 local zone foreach ( $mname, $res->nameservers($mname) ) { $hash->{$_} = $mname } my $s = $soa->serial; $hash->{$s} = $mname; $serial = $s if ordered( $serial, $s ); } return ( 0, $serial, $hash ); } sub checkNS { ## query nameservers (concurrently) and report status my $zone = shift; my $index = scalar @_; # index last element my $element = pop(@_) || return checkNS0; # pop element, terminate if undef my ( $ns, $if ) = split / /, lc $element; # name + optional interface IP my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver(@conf); # use clean resolver for each test my @xip = $res->nameservers( $if || $ns ); # point at nameserver my $ip = pop @xip; # last (or only) interface $res->nameservers($ip) if @xip; $res->recurse(0); # send non-recursive query to nameserver my ( $socket, $sent ); ( $socket, $sent ) = ( $res->bgsend( $zone, 'SOA' ), time ) if $ip; my ( $fail, $latest, $hash ) = checkNS( $zone, @_ ); # recurse to query others concurrently # pick up response as recursion unwinds my $packet; if ($socket) { until ( $res->bgisready($socket) ) { # timed wait on socket last if time > ( $sent + $udp_timeout ); delay($udp_wait); # snatch a few milliseconds sleep } $packet = $res->bgread($socket) if $res->bgisready($socket); # get response } elsif ($ip) { $packet = $res->send( $zone, 'SOA' ); # use sequential query model } my @pass = ( $fail, $latest, $hash ); # use prebuilt return values my @fail = ( $fail + 1, $latest, $hash ); my %nsaddr = $ip ? ( $ip => 1 ) : (); # special handling for multihomed server foreach my $xip (@xip) { # iterate over remaining interfaces next if $nsaddr{$xip}++; # silently ignore duplicate address record my ( $f, $x, $h ) = checkNS( $zone, (undef) x scalar(@_), "$ns $xip" ); %$hash = ( %$hash, %$h ); # merge address hashes @pass = @fail if $f; # propagate failure to caller } my $rcode; my @soa; unless ($packet) { # ... is no more! It has ceased to be! $rcode = 'no response'; } elsif ( $packet->header->rcode ne 'NOERROR' ) { $rcode = $packet->header->rcode; # NXDOMAIN or fault at nameserver } else { @soa = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', $packet->answer; foreach my $soa (@soa) { my $mname = lc $soa->mname; # hash MNAME by IP my @ip = $hash->{$mname} ? () : $res->nameservers($mname); foreach ( $mname, @ip ) { $hash->{$_} = $mname } } } my $primary = $hash->{$ip || $ns} ? '*' : ''; # flag zone primary unless ($ip) { # identify nameserver print "\n[$index]$primary\t$ns\n"; # name only $rcode = 'unresolved server name'; } elsif ( $ns eq $ip ) { print "\n[$index]$primary\t$ip\n"; # ip only } else { print "\n[$index]$primary\t$ns [$ip]\n"; # name and ip } if ($verbose) { # show PTR record my @ptr = grep $_->type eq 'PTR', $ip ? displayRR($ip) : (); my @fwd = sort map { lc $_->ptrdname } @ptr; foreach my $name ( @fwd ? @fwd : ($ns) ) { # show address records displayRR( $name, 'A' ); displayRR( $name, 'AAAA' ); } } if ($rcode) { return @pass if $ns eq lc $zone; # RFC6303 local zone report($rcode); # abject failure return @fail; } my @result = @fail; # analyse response my @auth = @soa ? () : $packet->authority; my @ncache = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', @auth; my @refer = grep $_->type eq 'NS', @auth; if (@soa) { if ( @soa > 1 ) { report('multiple SOA records'); # RFC2181, 6.1 } elsif ( $packet->header->aa ) { @result = @pass; # RFC1034, 6.2.1(1) } else { my $ttl = $soa[0]->ttl; # RFC1034, 6.2.1(2) report( 'non-authoritative answer', ttl($ttl) ); } } elsif (@ncache) { my ($ttl) = map { $_->ttl } @soa = @ncache; # RFC2308, 2.2(1)(2) report( 'negative cache', ttl($ttl) ); return @fail unless grep $_->name =~ /^$zone$/i, @ncache; report('requested SOA in authority section; violates RFC2308'); } elsif (@refer) { my @n = grep $_->nsdname =~ /$ns/i, @refer; # RFC2308, 2.2(4) report('authoritative data expired') if @n; # self referral report('not configured for zone') unless @n; return @fail; } else { report('NOERROR (no data)'); # RFC2308, 2.2(3) return @fail; } report('truncated response from nameserver') if $packet->header->tc; my ($serial) = map { $_->serial } @soa; # check serial number if ( $primary && ordered( $serial, $latest ) ) { # primary should have latest data my $response = $res->send( $zone, 'SOA' ); # repeat test before pointing finger my ($retest) = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', $response ? $response->answer : (); $serial = $retest->serial if ordered( $serial, $retest->serial ); } print "\t\t\tzone serial\t", $serial, "\n"; $hash->{$serial} = $hash->{$ip} if $primary; if ( ordered( $serial, $latest ) ) { report('serial number not current'); return @fail unless $primary; report('discredited as unique primary nameserver'); return @fail; } return @result if $serial == $latest; my $x = $if ? 0 : ( $index - 1 ) - $fail; # all previous out of date my $s = $x > 1 ? 's' : ''; # pedants really are revolting! report("at least $x previously unreported stale serial number$s") if $x; return ( $result[0] + $x, $serial, $hash ); # restate partial result } sub delay { ## short duration sleep my $duration = shift; # seconds sleep( 1 + $duration ) unless eval { defined select( undef, undef, undef, $duration ) }; } sub displayRR { ## print specified RRs or error code my $packet = $resolver->send(@_) or return (); # get specified RRs my $header = $packet->header; my $rcode = $header->rcode; # response code my ($question) = $packet->question; my $qtype = $question->qtype; my $qname = $question->qname; my $name = $qname =~ /^xn--/ ? eval { $question->name } : ''; my @annotation = $name ? ("; $name\n") : (); my @answer = $packet->answer; my @authority = $packet->authority; my @ncache = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', @authority; # per RFC2308 my @workaround = $qtype eq 'SOA' ? @ncache : (); # SOA misplaced/withheld? my @remark = @workaround ? qw(unexpected) : (); foreach my $rr ( @answer, @workaround ) { # print RRs unless shown elsewhere next if $qtype eq 'ANY' && $rr->type =~ /^(SOA|NS)$/; print @annotation if $rr->name eq $qname; # annotate IDN for ( $rr->string ) { my $l = $verbose ? length($_) : 108; # abbreviate long RR substr( $_, $l ) = ' ...' if length($_) > $l && $rr->type ne 'SOA'; print "$_\n"; } } report( @remark, "$rcode:", $question->string, @annotation ) if $rcode ne 'NOERROR'; return @answer; } sub NCACHE { ## report observed NCACHE TTL for domain my $domain = shift || ''; my $seq = time; my $nxdomain = "_nx_$seq.$domain"; # intentionally perverse query my $reply = $resolver->send( $nxdomain, 'PTR' ) or return (); for ( $reply->answer ) { report( 'wildcard invalidates NCACHE test:', $_->string ); return (); } my @ncache = grep $_->type eq 'SOA', $reply->authority; for (@ncache) { my $serial = $_->serial; my ($seen) = ( @soa, @ncache ); my @source = $serial > $seen->serial ? ("\t(SOA: $serial)") : (); report( 'negative cache data', ttl( $_->ttl ), @source ); } return @ncache; } sub NS { ## find NS records for domain my $name = shift; my $packet = $resolver->send( $name, 'NS' ) or die $resolver->string; # Bear in mind the possibility of malformed zones! my @answer = grep $_->type eq 'NS', $packet->answer, $packet->authority; } sub ordered { ## irreflexive 32-bit partial ordering use integer; my ( $a, $b ) = @_; return defined $b unless defined $a; # ( undef, any ) return 0 unless defined $b; # ( any, undef ) # unwise to assume 32-bit arithmetic, or that integer overflow goes unpunished if ( $a < 0 ) { # translate $a<0 region $a = ( $a ^ 0x80000000 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF; # 0 <= $a < 2**31 $b = ( $b ^ 0x80000000 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF; # -2**31 <= $b < 2**32 } return $a < $b ? ( $a > ( $b - 0x80000000 ) ) : ( $b < ( $a - 0x80000000 ) ); } sub report { ## concatenate strings into fault report print '### ', join( "\t", @_ ), "\n"; } sub ttl { ## human-friendly TTL my $t = shift; my ( $s, $m, $h, $y, $d ) = ( gmtime($t) )[0 .. 2, 5, 7]; unless ( $y == 70 ) { return sprintf 'TTL %u (%uy%ud)', $t, $y - 70, $d; } elsif ($h) { return sprintf 'TTL %u (%ud%0.2uh)', $t, $d, $h if $d; return sprintf 'TTL %u (%uh%0.2um)', $t, $h, $m if $m; return sprintf 'TTL %u (%uh)', $t, $h; } else { return sprintf 'TTL %u (%ud)', $t, $d if $d; return sprintf 'TTL %u (%um%0.2us)', $t, $m, $s if $s; return sprintf 'TTL %u (%um)', $t, $m; } } __END__