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package Net::DNS::Text; # # $Id: Text.pm 1726 2018-12-15 12:59:56Z willem $ # our $VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 1726 $)[1]; =head1 NAME Net::DNS::Text - DNS text representation =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::DNS::Text; $object = new Net::DNS::Text('example'); $string = $object->string; $object = decode Net::DNS::Text( \$data, $offset ); ( $object, $next ) = decode Net::DNS::Text( \$data, $offset ); $data = $object->encode; $text = $object->value; =head1 DESCRIPTION The C module implements a class of text objects with associated class and instance methods. Each text object instance has a fixed identity throughout its lifetime. =cut use strict; use warnings; use integer; use Carp; use constant ASCII => ref eval { require Encode; Encode::find_encoding('ascii'); }; use constant UTF8 => scalar eval { ## not UTF-EBCDIC [see Unicode TR#16 3.6] Encode::encode_utf8( chr(182) ) eq pack( 'H*', 'C2B6' ); }; =head1 METHODS =head2 new $object = new Net::DNS::Text('example'); Creates a text object which encapsulates a single character string component of a resource record. Arbitrary single-byte characters can be represented by \ followed by exactly three decimal digits. Such characters are devoid of any special meaning. A character preceded by \ represents itself, without any special interpretation. =cut my ( %escape, %unescape ); ## precalculated ASCII escape tables sub new { my $self = bless [], shift; croak 'argument undefined' unless defined $_[0]; local $_ = &_encode_utf8; s/^\042(.*)\042$/$1/s; # strip paired quotes s/\134\134/\134\060\071\062/g; # disguise escaped escape s/\134([\060-\071]{3})/$unescape{$1}/eg; # numeric escape s/\134(.)/$1/g; # character escape while ( length $_ > 255 ) { my $chunk = substr( $_, 0, 255 ); # carve into chunks substr( $chunk, -length($1) ) = '' if $chunk =~ /.([\300-\377][\200-\277]*)$/; push @$self, $chunk; substr( $_, 0, length $chunk ) = ''; } push @$self, $_; return $self; } =head2 decode $object = decode Net::DNS::Text( \$buffer, $offset ); ( $object, $next ) = decode Net::DNS::Text( \$buffer, $offset ); Creates a text object which represents the decoded data at the indicated offset within the data buffer. The argument list consists of a reference to a scalar containing the wire-format data and offset of the text data. The returned offset value indicates the start of the next item in the data buffer. =cut sub decode { my $class = shift; my $buffer = shift; # reference to data buffer my $offset = shift || 0; # offset within buffer my $size = shift; # specify size of unbounded text unless ( defined $size ) { $size = unpack "\@$offset C", $$buffer; $offset++; } my $next = $offset + $size; croak 'corrupt wire-format data' if $next > length $$buffer; my $self = bless [unpack( "\@$offset a$size", $$buffer )], $class; return wantarray ? ( $self, $next ) : $self; } =head2 encode $data = $object->encode; Returns the wire-format encoded representation of the text object suitable for inclusion in a DNS packet buffer. =cut sub encode { my $self = shift; join '', map pack( 'C a*', length $_, $_ ), @$self; } =head2 raw $data = $object->raw; Returns the wire-format encoded representation of the text object without the explicit length field. =cut sub raw { my $self = shift; join '', map pack( 'a*', $_ ), @$self; } =head2 value $value = $text->value; Character string representation of the text object. =cut sub value { return unless defined wantarray; my $self = shift; _decode_utf8( join '', @$self ); } =head2 string $string = $text->string; Conditionally quoted zone file representation of the text object. =cut sub string { my $self = shift; my @s = map split( '', $_ ), @$self; # escape special and ASCII non-printable my $string = _decode_utf8( join '', map $escape{$_}, @s ); return $string unless $string =~ /[ \t\n\r\f]|^$|;$/; # unquoted contiguous $string =~ s/\\([^"0-9])/$1/g; # unescape printable characters except \" join '', '"', $string, '"'; # quoted string } ######################################## # perlcc: address of encoding objects must be determined at runtime my $ascii = ASCII ? Encode::find_encoding('ascii') : undef; # Osborn's Law: my $utf8 = UTF8 ? Encode::find_encoding('utf8') : undef; # Variables won't; constants aren't. sub _decode_utf8 { ## UTF-8 to perl internal encoding local $_ = shift; # partial transliteration for non-ASCII character encodings tr [\040-\176\000-\377] [ !"#$%&'()*+,\-./0-9:;<=>?@A-Z\[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~?] unless ASCII; my $z = length($_) - length($_); # pre-5.18 taint workaround ASCII ? substr( ( UTF8 ? $utf8 : $ascii )->decode($_), $z ) : $_; } sub _encode_utf8 { ## perl internal encoding to UTF-8 local $_ = shift; # partial transliteration for non-ASCII character encodings tr [ !"#$%&'()*+,\-./0-9:;<=>?@A-Z\[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~] [\040-\176] unless ASCII; my $z = length($_) - length($_); # pre-5.18 taint workaround ASCII ? substr( ( UTF8 ? $utf8 : $ascii )->encode($_), $z ) : $_; } %escape = eval { ## precalculated ASCII/UTF-8 escape table my @C0 = ( 0 .. 31 ); # control characters my @NA = UTF8 ? ( 192, 193, 216 .. 223, 245 .. 255 ) : ( 128 .. 255 ); my %table = ( # transparent, \" \( \) \; \\ map( ( $_ => $_ ), map pack( 'C', $_ ), ( 0 .. 255 ) ), map( ( pack( 'C', $_ ) => pack( 'C2', 92, $_ ) ), ( 34, 40, 41, 59, 92 ) ), ); foreach my $n ( @C0, 92, 127, @NA ) { # numerical escape my $codepoint = sprintf( '%03u', $n ); # transliteration for non-ASCII character encodings $codepoint =~ tr [0-9] [\060-\071]; $table{pack( 'C', $n )} = pack 'C a3', 92, $codepoint; } return %table; }; %unescape = eval { ## precalculated numeric escape table my %table; foreach my $n ( 0 .. 255 ) { my $key = sprintf( '%03u', $n ); # transliteration for non-ASCII character encodings $key =~ tr [0-9] [\060-\071]; $table{$key} = pack 'C', $n; } $table{"\060\071\062"} = pack 'C2', 92, 92; # escaped escape return %table; }; 1; __END__ ######################################## =head1 BUGS Coding strategy is intended to avoid creating unnecessary argument lists and stack frames. This improves efficiency at the expense of code readability. Platform specific character coding features are conditionally compiled into the code. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c)2009-2011 Dick Franks. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, RFC1035, RFC3629, Unicode TR#16 =cut