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package Net::DNS::Question; # # $Id: Question.pm 1726 2018-12-15 12:59:56Z willem $ # our $VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 1726 $)[1]; =head1 NAME Net::DNS::Question - DNS question record =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::DNS::Question; $question = new Net::DNS::Question('example.com', 'AAAA', 'IN'); =head1 DESCRIPTION A Net::DNS::Question object represents a record in the question section of a DNS packet. =cut use strict; use warnings; use integer; use Carp; use Net::DNS::Parameters; use Net::DNS::Domain; use Net::DNS::DomainName; =head1 METHODS =head2 new $question = new Net::DNS::Question('example.com', 'AAAA', 'IN'); $question = new Net::DNS::Question('example.com', 'A', 'IN'); $question = new Net::DNS::Question('example.com'); $question = new Net::DNS::Question('2001::DB8::dead:beef', 'PTR', 'IN'); $question = new Net::DNS::Question('2001::DB8::dead:beef'); Creates a question object from the domain, type, and class passed as arguments. One or both type and class arguments may be omitted and will assume the default values shown above. RFC4291 and RFC4632 IP address/prefix notation is supported for queries in both in-addr.arpa and ip6.arpa namespaces. =cut sub new { my $self = bless {}, shift; my $qname = shift; my $qtype = shift || ''; my $qclass = shift || ''; # tolerate (possibly unknown) type and class in zone file order unless ( exists $classbyname{$qclass} ) { ( $qtype, $qclass ) = ( $qclass, $qtype ) if exists $classbyname{$qtype}; ( $qtype, $qclass ) = ( $qclass, $qtype ) if $qtype =~ /CLASS/; } unless ( exists $typebyname{$qtype} ) { ( $qtype, $qclass ) = ( $qclass, $qtype ) if exists $typebyname{$qclass}; ( $qtype, $qclass ) = ( $qclass, $qtype ) if $qclass =~ /TYPE/; } # if argument is an IP address, do appropriate reverse lookup if ( defined $qname and $qname =~ m/:|\d$/ ) { if ( my $reverse = _dns_addr($qname) ) { $qname = $reverse; $qtype ||= 'PTR'; } } $self->{qname} = new Net::DNS::DomainName1035($qname); $self->{qtype} = typebyname( $qtype || 'A' ); $self->{qclass} = classbyname( $qclass || 'IN' ); return $self; } =head2 decode $question = decode Net::DNS::Question(\$data, $offset); ($question, $offset) = decode Net::DNS::Question(\$data, $offset); Decodes the question record at the specified location within a DNS wire-format packet. The first argument is a reference to the buffer containing the packet data. The second argument is the offset of the start of the question record. Returns a Net::DNS::Question object and the offset of the next location in the packet. An exception is raised if the object cannot be created (e.g., corrupt or insufficient data). =cut use constant QFIXEDSZ => length pack 'n2', (0) x 2; sub decode { my $self = bless {}, shift; my ( $data, $offset ) = @_; ( $self->{qname}, $offset ) = decode Net::DNS::DomainName1035(@_); my $next = $offset + QFIXEDSZ; die 'corrupt wire-format data' if length $$data < $next; @{$self}{qw(qtype qclass)} = unpack "\@$offset n2", $$data; wantarray ? ( $self, $next ) : $self; } =head2 encode $data = $question->encode( $offset, $hash ); Returns the Net::DNS::Question in binary format suitable for inclusion in a DNS packet buffer. The optional arguments are the offset within the packet data where the Net::DNS::Question is to be stored and a reference to a hash table used to index compressed names within the packet. =cut sub encode { my $self = shift; pack 'a* n2', $self->{qname}->encode(@_), @{$self}{qw(qtype qclass)}; } =head2 print $object->print; Prints the record to the standard output. Calls the string() method to get the string representation. =cut sub print { print shift->string, "\n"; } =head2 string print "string = ", $question->string, "\n"; Returns a string representation of the question record. =cut sub string { my $self = shift; join "\t", $self->{qname}->string, $self->qclass, $self->qtype; } =head2 name $name = $question->name; Internationalised domain name corresponding to the qname attribute. Decoding non-ASCII domain names is computationally expensive and undesirable for names which are likely to be used to construct further queries. When required to communicate with humans, the 'proper' domain name should be extracted from a query or reply packet. $query = new Net::DNS::Packet( $example, 'ANY' ); $reply = $resolver->send($query) or die; ($question) = $reply->question; $name = $question->name; =cut sub name { my $self = shift; croak 'immutable object: argument invalid' if scalar @_; $self->{qname}->xname; } =head2 qname, zname $qname = $question->qname; $zname = $question->zname; Fully qualified domain name in the form required for a query transmitted to a nameserver. In dynamic update packets, this attribute is known as zname() and refers to the zone name. =cut sub qname { my $self = shift; croak 'immutable object: argument invalid' if scalar @_; $self->{qname}->name; } sub zname { &qname; } =head2 qtype, ztype, type $qtype = $question->type; $qtype = $question->qtype; $ztype = $question->ztype; Returns the question type attribute. In dynamic update packets, this attribute is known as ztype() and refers to the zone type. =cut sub type { my $self = shift; croak 'immutable object: argument invalid' if scalar @_; typebyval( $self->{qtype} ); } sub qtype { &type; } sub ztype { &type; } =head2 qclass, zclass, class $qclass = $question->class; $qclass = $question->qclass; $zclass = $question->zclass; Returns the question class attribute. In dynamic update packets, this attribute is known as zclass() and refers to the zone class. =cut sub class { my $self = shift; croak 'immutable object: argument invalid' if scalar @_; classbyval( $self->{qclass} ); } sub qclass { &class; } sub zclass { &class; } ######################################## sub _dns_addr { ## Map IP address into reverse lookup namespace local $_ = shift; # IP address must contain address characters only s/[%].+$//; # discard RFC4007 scopeid return undef unless m#^[a-fA-F0-9:./]+$#; my ( $address, $pfxlen ) = split m#/#; # map IPv4 address to in-addr.arpa space if (m#^\d*[.\d]*\d(/\d+)?$#) { my @parse = split /\./, $address; $pfxlen = scalar(@parse) << 3 unless $pfxlen; my $last = $pfxlen > 24 ? 3 : ( $pfxlen - 1 ) >> 3; return join '.', reverse( ( @parse, (0) x 3 )[0 .. $last] ), 'in-addr.arpa.'; } # map IPv6 address to ip6.arpa space return unless m#^[:\w]+:([.\w]*)(/\d+)?$#; my $rhs = $1 || '0'; return _dns_addr($rhs) if m#^[:0]*:0*:[fF]{4}:[^:]+$#; # IPv4 $rhs = sprintf '%x%0.2x:%x%0.2x', map $_ || 0, split( /\./, $rhs, 4 ) if /\./; $address =~ s/:[^:]*$/:0$rhs/; my @parse = split /:/, ( reverse "0$address" ), 9; my @xpand = map { /./ ? $_ : ('0') x ( 9 - @parse ) } @parse; # expand :: $pfxlen = ( scalar(@xpand) << 4 ) unless $pfxlen; # implicit length if unspecified my $len = $pfxlen > 124 ? 32 : ( $pfxlen + 3 ) >> 2; my $hex = pack 'A4' x 8, map { $_ . '000' } ('0') x ( 8 - @xpand ), @xpand; return join '.', split( //, substr( $hex, -$len ) ), 'ip6.arpa.'; } 1; __END__ ######################################## =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c)1997-2000 Michael Fuhr. Portions Copyright (c)2002,2003 Chris Reinhardt. Portions Copyright (c)2003,2006-2011 Dick Franks. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, RFC 1035 Section 4.1.2 =cut