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package Net::DNS::Parameters; # # $Id: Parameters.pm 1729 2019-01-28 09:45:47Z willem $ # our $VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 1729 $)[1]; ################################################ ## ## Domain Name System (DNS) Parameters ## (last updated 2019-01-17) ## ################################################ use strict; use warnings; use integer; use Carp; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( classbyname classbyval %classbyname typebyname typebyval %typebyname opcodebyname opcodebyval rcodebyname rcodebyval ednsoptionbyname ednsoptionbyval dsotypebyname dsotypebyval ); # Registry: DNS CLASSes my @classbyname = ( IN => 1, # RFC1035 CH => 3, # Chaosnet HS => 4, # Hesiod NONE => 254, # RFC2136 ANY => 255, # RFC1035 ); our %classbyval = reverse( CLASS0 => 0, @classbyname ); push @classbyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @classbyname; our %classbyname = ( '*' => 255, @classbyname ); # Registry: Resource Record (RR) TYPEs my @typebyname = ( A => 1, # RFC1035 NS => 2, # RFC1035 MD => 3, # RFC1035 MF => 4, # RFC1035 CNAME => 5, # RFC1035 SOA => 6, # RFC1035 MB => 7, # RFC1035 MG => 8, # RFC1035 MR => 9, # RFC1035 NULL => 10, # RFC1035 WKS => 11, # RFC1035 PTR => 12, # RFC1035 HINFO => 13, # RFC1035 MINFO => 14, # RFC1035 MX => 15, # RFC1035 TXT => 16, # RFC1035 RP => 17, # RFC1183 AFSDB => 18, # RFC1183 RFC5864 X25 => 19, # RFC1183 ISDN => 20, # RFC1183 RT => 21, # RFC1183 NSAP => 22, # RFC1706 'NSAP-PTR' => 23, # RFC1348 RFC1637 RFC1706 SIG => 24, # RFC4034 RFC3755 RFC2535 RFC2536 RFC2537 RFC2931 RFC3110 RFC3008 KEY => 25, # RFC4034 RFC3755 RFC2535 RFC2536 RFC2537 RFC2539 RFC3008 RFC3110 PX => 26, # RFC2163 GPOS => 27, # RFC1712 AAAA => 28, # RFC3596 LOC => 29, # RFC1876 NXT => 30, # RFC3755 RFC2535 EID => 31, # http://ana-3.lcs.mit.edu/~jnc/nimrod/dns.txt NIMLOC => 32, # http://ana-3.lcs.mit.edu/~jnc/nimrod/dns.txt SRV => 33, # RFC2782 ATMA => 34, # http://www.broadband-forum.org/ftp/pub/approved-specs/af-dans-0152.000.pdf NAPTR => 35, # RFC2915 RFC2168 RFC3403 KX => 36, # RFC2230 CERT => 37, # RFC4398 A6 => 38, # RFC3226 RFC2874 RFC6563 DNAME => 39, # RFC6672 SINK => 40, # http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-eastlake-kitchen-sink OPT => 41, # RFC6891 RFC3225 APL => 42, # RFC3123 DS => 43, # RFC4034 RFC3658 SSHFP => 44, # RFC4255 IPSECKEY => 45, # RFC4025 RRSIG => 46, # RFC4034 RFC3755 NSEC => 47, # RFC4034 RFC3755 DNSKEY => 48, # RFC4034 RFC3755 DHCID => 49, # RFC4701 NSEC3 => 50, # RFC5155 NSEC3PARAM => 51, # RFC5155 TLSA => 52, # RFC6698 SMIMEA => 53, # RFC8162 HIP => 55, # RFC8005 NINFO => 56, # RKEY => 57, # TALINK => 58, # CDS => 59, # RFC7344 CDNSKEY => 60, # RFC7344 OPENPGPKEY => 61, # RFC7929 CSYNC => 62, # RFC7477 ZONEMD => 63, # draft-wessels-dns-zone-digest SPF => 99, # RFC7208 UINFO => 100, # IANA-Reserved UID => 101, # IANA-Reserved GID => 102, # IANA-Reserved UNSPEC => 103, # IANA-Reserved NID => 104, # RFC6742 L32 => 105, # RFC6742 L64 => 106, # RFC6742 LP => 107, # RFC6742 EUI48 => 108, # RFC7043 EUI64 => 109, # RFC7043 TKEY => 249, # RFC2930 TSIG => 250, # RFC2845 IXFR => 251, # RFC1995 AXFR => 252, # RFC1035 RFC5936 MAILB => 253, # RFC1035 MAILA => 254, # RFC1035 ANY => 255, # RFC1035 RFC6895 RFC8482 URI => 256, # RFC7553 CAA => 257, # RFC6844 AVC => 258, # DOA => 259, # draft-durand-doa-over-dns TA => 32768, # http://cameo.library.cmu.edu/ http://www.watson.org/~weiler/INI1999-19.pdf DLV => 32769, # RFC4431 ); our %typebyval = reverse( TYPE0 => 0, @typebyname ); push @typebyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @typebyname; our %typebyname = ( '*' => 255, @typebyname ); # Registry: DNS OpCodes my @opcodebyname = ( QUERY => 0, # RFC1035 IQUERY => 1, # RFC3425 STATUS => 2, # RFC1035 NOTIFY => 4, # RFC1996 UPDATE => 5, # RFC2136 DSO => 6, # RFC-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-20 ); our %opcodebyval = reverse @opcodebyname; push @opcodebyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @opcodebyname; our %opcodebyname = ( NS_NOTIFY_OP => 4, @opcodebyname ); # Registry: DNS RCODEs my @rcodebyname = ( NOERROR => 0, # RFC1035 FORMERR => 1, # RFC1035 SERVFAIL => 2, # RFC1035 NXDOMAIN => 3, # RFC1035 NOTIMP => 4, # RFC1035 REFUSED => 5, # RFC1035 YXDOMAIN => 6, # RFC2136 RFC6672 YXRRSET => 7, # RFC2136 NXRRSET => 8, # RFC2136 NOTAUTH => 9, # RFC2136 NOTAUTH => 9, # RFC2845 NOTZONE => 10, # RFC2136 DSOTYPENI => 11, # RFC-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-20 BADVERS => 16, # RFC6891 BADSIG => 16, # RFC2845 BADKEY => 17, # RFC2845 BADTIME => 18, # RFC2845 BADMODE => 19, # RFC2930 BADNAME => 20, # RFC2930 BADALG => 21, # RFC2930 BADTRUNC => 22, # RFC4635 BADCOOKIE => 23, # RFC7873 ); our %rcodebyval = reverse( BADSIG => 16, @rcodebyname ); push @rcodebyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @rcodebyname; our %rcodebyname = @rcodebyname; # Registry: DNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT) my @ednsoptionbyname = ( LLQ => 1, # http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-sekar-dns-llq.txt UL => 2, # http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-sekar-dns-ul.txt NSID => 3, # RFC5001 DAU => 5, # RFC6975 DHU => 6, # RFC6975 N3U => 7, # RFC6975 'CLIENT-SUBNET' => 8, # RFC7871 EXPIRE => 9, # RFC7314 COOKIE => 10, # RFC7873 'TCP-KEEPALIVE' => 11, # RFC7828 PADDING => 12, # RFC7830 CHAIN => 13, # RFC7901 'KEY-TAG' => 14, # RFC8145 DEVICEID => 26946, # https://docs.umbrella.com/developer/networkdevices-api/identifying-dns-traffic2 ); our %ednsoptionbyval = reverse @ednsoptionbyname; push @ednsoptionbyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @ednsoptionbyname; our %ednsoptionbyname = @ednsoptionbyname; # Registry: DNS Header Flags my @dnsflagbyname = ( AA => 0x0400, # RFC1035 TC => 0x0200, # RFC1035 RD => 0x0100, # RFC1035 RA => 0x0080, # RFC1035 AD => 0x0020, # RFC4035 RFC6840 CD => 0x0010, # RFC4035 RFC6840 ); push @dnsflagbyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @dnsflagbyname; our %dnsflagbyname = @dnsflagbyname; # Registry: EDNS Header Flags (16 bits) my @ednsflagbyname = ( DO => 0x8000, # RFC4035 RFC3225 RFC6840 ); push @ednsflagbyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @ednsflagbyname; our %ednsflagbyname = @ednsflagbyname; # Registry: DSO Type Codes my @dsotypebyname = ( KEEPALIVE => 0x0001, # RFC-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-20 RETRYDELAY => 0x0002, # RFC-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-20 ENCRYPTIONPADDING => 0x0003, # RFC-ietf-dnsop-session-signal-20 ); our %dsotypebyval = reverse @dsotypebyname; push @dsotypebyname, map /^\d/ ? $_ : lc($_), @dsotypebyname; our %dsotypebyname = @dsotypebyname; ######## # The following functions are wrappers around similarly named hashes. sub classbyname { my $name = shift; $classbyname{$name} || $classbyname{uc $name} || do { croak qq[unknown class "$name"] unless $name =~ m/^(CLASS)?(\d+)/i; my $val = 0 + $2; croak qq[classbyname("$name") out of range] if $val > 0xffff; return $val; } } sub classbyval { my $val = shift; $classbyval{$val} || do { $val += 0; croak qq[classbyval($val) out of range] if $val > 0xffff; return "CLASS$val"; } } sub typebyname { my $name = shift; $typebyname{$name} || do { if ( $name =~ m/^(TYPE)?(\d+)/i ) { my $val = 0 + $2; croak qq[typebyname("$name") out of range] if $val > 0xffff; return $val; } _typespec("$name.RRNAME") unless $typebyname{uc $name}; return $typebyname{uc $name} || croak qq[unknown type "$name"]; } } sub typebyval { my $val = shift; $typebyval{$val} || do { $val += 0; croak qq[typebyval($val) out of range] if $val > 0xffff; $typebyval{$val} = "TYPE$val"; _typespec("$val.RRTYPE"); return $typebyval{$val}; } } sub opcodebyname { my $arg = shift; return $opcodebyname{$arg} if defined $opcodebyname{$arg}; return 0 + $arg if $arg =~ /^\d/; croak qq[unknown opcode "$arg"]; } sub opcodebyval { my $val = shift; $opcodebyval{$val} || return $val; } sub rcodebyname { my $arg = shift; return $rcodebyname{$arg} if defined $rcodebyname{$arg}; return 0 + $arg if $arg =~ /^\d/; croak qq[unknown rcode "$arg"]; } sub rcodebyval { my $val = shift; $rcodebyval{$val} || return $val; } sub ednsoptionbyname { my $arg = shift; return $ednsoptionbyname{$arg} if defined $ednsoptionbyname{$arg}; return 0 + $arg if $arg =~ /^\d/; croak qq[unknown option "$arg"]; } sub ednsoptionbyval { my $val = shift; $ednsoptionbyval{$val} || return $val; } sub dsotypebyname { my $arg = shift; return $dsotypebyname{$arg} if defined $dsotypebyname{$arg}; return 0 + $arg if $arg =~ /^\d/; croak qq[unknown DSO type "$arg"]; } sub dsotypebyval { my $val = shift; $dsotypebyval{$val} || return $val; } sub register { ## register( 'TOY', 1234 ) (NOT part of published API) my ( $mnemonic, $rrtype ) = map uc($_), @_; # uncoverable pod $rrtype = rand(255) + 65280 unless $rrtype; for ( typebyval( $rrtype = int $rrtype ) ) { croak qq["$mnemonic" is a CLASS identifier] if $classbyname{$mnemonic}; return $rrtype if /^$mnemonic$/; # duplicate registration croak qq["$mnemonic" conflicts with TYPE$rrtype ($_)] unless /^TYPE\d+$/; my $known = $typebyname{$mnemonic}; croak qq["$mnemonic" conflicts with TYPE$known] if $known; } $typebyval{$rrtype} = $mnemonic; return $typebyname{$mnemonic} = $rrtype; } use constant EXTLANG => defined eval 'require Net::DNS::Extlang'; our $DNSEXTLANG = EXTLANG ? eval 'Net::DNS::Extlang->new()->domain' : undef; sub _typespec { ## draft-levine-dnsextlang eval <<'END' if EXTLANG && $DNSEXTLANG; my ($node) = @_; require Net::DNS::Resolver; my $resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver() || return; my $response = $resolver->send( "$node.$DNSEXTLANG", 'TXT' ) || return; foreach my $txt ( grep $_->type eq 'TXT', $response->answer ) { my @stanza = $txt->txtdata; my ( $tag, $identifier, @attribute ) = @stanza; next unless defined($tag) && $tag =~ /^RRTYPE=\d+$/; register( $1, $2 ) if $identifier =~ /^(\w+):(\d+)\W*/; return unless defined wantarray; my $extobj = new Net::DNS::Extlang(); my $recipe = $extobj->xlstorerecord( $identifier, @attribute ); my @source = split /\n/, $extobj->compilerr($recipe); return sub { defined( $_ = shift @source ) }; } return; END } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::DNS::Parameters - DNS parameter assignments =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::DNS::Parameters; =head1 DESCRIPTION Net::DNS::Parameters is a Perl package representing the DNS parameter allocation (key,value) tables as recorded in the definitive registry maintained and published by IANA. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 classbyname, typebyname, opcodebyname, rcodebyname, ednsoptionbyname, dsotypebyname Access functions which return the numerical code corresponding to the given mnemonic. =head2 classbyval, typebyval, opcodebyval, rcodebyval, ednsoptionbyval, dsotypebyval Access functions which return the canonical mnemonic corresponding to the given numerical code. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c)2012,2016 Dick Franks. Portions Copyright (c)1997 Michael Fuhr. Portions Copyright (c)2003 Olaf Kolkman. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =cut