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#!perl -T use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 0.88; use Test::Requires { 'Test::Taint' => 0, }; use Data::Validate::IP; unless (taint_checking_ok('taint is enabled')) { done_testing(); exit 0; } _test_good_data('is_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data( 'is_innet_ipv4', [ '', '' ], '' ); _test_bad_data( 'is_innet_ipv4', [ '', '' ], ); _test_good_data('is_private_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_private_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data('is_public_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_public_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data('is_loopback_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_loopback_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data('is_testnet_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_testnet_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data('is_multicast_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_multicast_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data('is_linklocal_ipv4', ''); _test_bad_data('is_linklocal_ipv4', ''); _test_good_data('is_ipv6', '::'); _test_good_data('is_ipv6', 'fff0:1234::'); _test_bad_data('is_ipv6', 'fffff::'); _test_good_data('is_linklocal_ipv6', 'fe80:db8::4'); _test_bad_data('is_linklocal_ipv6', 'fffff::'); sub _test_good_data { my $meth = shift; my $good = shift; my $expect = shift || $good; my @args = _args($good); tainted_ok_deeply(\@args, 'all arguments are tainted'); my $return = Data::Validate::IP->new()->$meth(@args); is($return, $expect, "$meth(@args) returns $expect with tainted value"); untainted_ok( $return, "$meth() returns untained value when value is valid" ); } sub _test_bad_data { my $meth = shift; my $bad = shift; my @args = _args($bad); tainted_ok_deeply(\@args, 'all arguments are tainted'); my $return = Data::Validate::IP->new()->$meth(@args); is($return, undef, "$meth(@args) returns undef with tainted value"); } sub _args { my $args = shift; my @args = ref $args ? @{$args} : $args; taint(@args); return @args; } done_testing();