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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # diffs two files and writes an HTML output file. use strict; use CGI qw(:standard :html3); use Algorithm::Diff 'traverse_sequences'; use Text::Tabs; my ( @a, @b ); # Take care of whitespace. sub preprocess { my $arrayRef = shift; chomp(@$arrayRef); @$arrayRef = expand(@$arrayRef); } # This will be called with both lines are the same sub match { my ( $ia, $ib ) = @_; print pre( $a[$ia] ), "\n"; } # This will be called when there is a line in A that isn't in B sub only_a { my ( $ia, $ib ) = @_; print pre( { -class => 'onlyA' }, $a[$ia] ), "\n"; } # This will be called when there is a line in B that isn't in A sub only_b { my ( $ia, $ib ) = @_; print pre( { -class => 'onlyB' }, $b[$ib] ), "\n"; } # MAIN PROGRAM # Check for two arguments. print "usage: $0 file1 file2 > diff.html\n" if @ARGV != 2; $tabstop = 4; # For Text::Tabs # Read each file into an array. open FH, $ARGV[0]; @a = ; close FH; open FH, $ARGV[1]; @b = ; close FH; # Expand whitespace preprocess( \@a ); preprocess( \@b ); # inline style my $style = < "$ARGV[0] vs. $ARGV[1]", -style => { -code => $style } } ), h1( { -style => 'margin-left: 24pt' }, span( { -style => 'color: red' }, $ARGV[0] ), span(" vs. "), span( { -style => 'color: blue' }, $ARGV[1] ) ), "\n"; # And compare the arrays traverse_sequences( \@a, # first sequence \@b, # second sequence { MATCH => \&match, # callback on identical lines DISCARD_A => \&only_a, # callback on A-only DISCARD_B => \&only_b, # callback on B-only } ); print end_html();