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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl base.t' use strict; $^W++; use lib qw(blib lib); use Algorithm::Diff qw(diff LCS traverse_sequences traverse_balanced sdiff); use Data::Dumper; use Test; BEGIN { $|++; plan tests => 35; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub # breakpoint on die { $DB::single = 1; $DB::single = 1; # avoid complaint die @_; } } my @a = qw(a b c e h j l m n p); my @b = qw(b c d e f j k l m r s t); my @correctResult = qw(b c e j l m); my $correctResult = join(' ', @correctResult); my $skippedA = 'a h n p'; my $skippedB = 'd f k r s t'; # From the Algorithm::Diff manpage: my $correctDiffResult = [ [ [ '-', 0, 'a' ] ], [ [ '+', 2, 'd' ] ], [ [ '-', 4, 'h' ], [ '+', 4, 'f' ] ], [ [ '+', 6, 'k' ] ], [ [ '-', 8, 'n' ], [ '+', 9, 'r' ], [ '-', 9, 'p' ], [ '+', 10, 's' ], [ '+', 11, 't' ], ] ]; # Result of LCS must be as long as @a my @result = Algorithm::Diff::_longestCommonSubsequence( \@a, \@b ); ok( scalar(grep { defined } @result), scalar(@correctResult), "length of _longestCommonSubsequence" ); # result has b[] line#s keyed by a[] line# # print "result =", join(" ", map { defined($_) ? $_ : 'undef' } @result), "\n"; my @aresult = map { defined( $result[$_] ) ? $a[$_] : () } 0 .. $#result; my @bresult = map { defined( $result[$_] ) ? $b[ $result[$_] ] : () } 0 .. $#result; ok( "@aresult", $correctResult, "A results" ); ok( "@bresult", $correctResult, "B results" ); my ( @matchedA, @matchedB, @discardsA, @discardsB, $finishedA, $finishedB ); sub match { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; push ( @matchedA, $a[$a] ); push ( @matchedB, $b[$b] ); } sub discard_b { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; push ( @discardsB, $b[$b] ); } sub discard_a { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; push ( @discardsA, $a[$a] ); } sub finished_a { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; $finishedA = $a; } sub finished_b { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; $finishedB = $b; } traverse_sequences( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => \&match, DISCARD_A => \&discard_a, DISCARD_B => \&discard_b } ); ok( "@matchedA", $correctResult); ok( "@matchedB", $correctResult); ok( "@discardsA", $skippedA); ok( "@discardsB", $skippedB); @matchedA = @matchedB = @discardsA = @discardsB = (); $finishedA = $finishedB = undef; traverse_sequences( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => \&match, DISCARD_A => \&discard_a, DISCARD_B => \&discard_b, A_FINISHED => \&finished_a, B_FINISHED => \&finished_b, } ); ok( "@matchedA", $correctResult); ok( "@matchedB", $correctResult); ok( "@discardsA", $skippedA); ok( "@discardsB", $skippedB); ok( $finishedA, 9, "index of finishedA" ); ok( $finishedB, undef, "index of finishedB" ); my @lcs = LCS( \@a, \@b ); ok( "@lcs", $correctResult ); # Compare the diff output with the one from the Algorithm::Diff manpage. my $diff = diff( \@a, \@b ); $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; my $cds = Dumper($correctDiffResult); my $dds = Dumper($diff); ok( $dds, $cds ); ################################################## # m@perlmeister.com 03/23/2002: # Tests for sdiff-interface ################################################# @a = qw(abc def yyy xxx ghi jkl); @b = qw(abc dxf xxx ghi jkl); $correctDiffResult = [ ['u', 'abc', 'abc'], ['c', 'def', 'dxf'], ['-', 'yyy', ''], ['u', 'xxx', 'xxx'], ['u', 'ghi', 'ghi'], ['u', 'jkl', 'jkl'] ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c e h j l m n p); @b = qw(b c d e f j k l m r s t); $correctDiffResult = [ ['-', 'a', '' ], ['u', 'b', 'b'], ['u', 'c', 'c'], ['+', '', 'd'], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ['c', 'h', 'f'], ['u', 'j', 'j'], ['+', '', 'k'], ['u', 'l', 'l'], ['u', 'm', 'm'], ['c', 'n', 'r'], ['c', 'p', 's'], ['+', '', 't'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c d e); @b = qw(a e); $correctDiffResult = [ ['u', 'a', 'a' ], ['-', 'b', ''], ['-', 'c', ''], ['-', 'd', ''], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a e); @b = qw(a b c d e); $correctDiffResult = [ ['u', 'a', 'a' ], ['+', '', 'b'], ['+', '', 'c'], ['+', '', 'd'], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(v x a e); @b = qw(w y a b c d e); $correctDiffResult = [ ['c', 'v', 'w' ], ['c', 'x', 'y' ], ['u', 'a', 'a' ], ['+', '', 'b'], ['+', '', 'c'], ['+', '', 'd'], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(x a e); @b = qw(a b c d e); $correctDiffResult = [ ['-', 'x', '' ], ['u', 'a', 'a' ], ['+', '', 'b'], ['+', '', 'c'], ['+', '', 'd'], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a e); @b = qw(x a b c d e); $correctDiffResult = [ ['+', '', 'x' ], ['u', 'a', 'a' ], ['+', '', 'b'], ['+', '', 'c'], ['+', '', 'd'], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a e v); @b = qw(x a b c d e w x); $correctDiffResult = [ ['+', '', 'x' ], ['u', 'a', 'a' ], ['+', '', 'b'], ['+', '', 'c'], ['+', '', 'd'], ['u', 'e', 'e'], ['c', 'v', 'w'], ['+', '', 'x'], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(); @b = qw(a b c); $correctDiffResult = [ ['+', '', 'a' ], ['+', '', 'b' ], ['+', '', 'c' ], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c); @b = qw(); $correctDiffResult = [ ['-', 'a', '' ], ['-', 'b', '' ], ['-', 'c', '' ], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c); @b = qw(1); $correctDiffResult = [ ['c', 'a', '1' ], ['-', 'b', '' ], ['-', 'c', '' ], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c); @b = qw(c); $correctDiffResult = [ ['-', 'a', '' ], ['-', 'b', '' ], ['u', 'c', 'c' ], ]; @result = sdiff(\@a, \@b); ok(Dumper(\@result), Dumper($correctDiffResult)); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c); @b = qw(a x c); my $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "M 0 0C 1 1M 2 2"); ################################################# # No CHANGE callback => use discard_a/b instead @a = qw(a b c); @b = qw(a x c); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, } ); ok($r, "M 0 0DA 1 1DB 2 1M 2 2"); ################################################# @a = qw(a x y c); @b = qw(a v w c); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "M 0 0C 1 1C 2 2M 3 3"); ################################################# @a = qw(x y c); @b = qw(v w c); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "C 0 0C 1 1M 2 2"); ################################################# @a = qw(a x y z); @b = qw(b v w); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "C 0 0C 1 1C 2 2DA 3 3"); ################################################# @a = qw(a z); @b = qw(a); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "M 0 0DA 1 1"); ################################################# @a = qw(z a); @b = qw(a); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "DA 0 0M 1 0"); ################################################# @a = qw(a b c); @b = qw(x y z); $r = ""; traverse_balanced( \@a, \@b, { MATCH => sub { $r .= "M @_";}, DISCARD_A => sub { $r .= "DA @_";}, DISCARD_B => sub { $r .= "DB @_";}, CHANGE => sub { $r .= "C @_";}, } ); ok($r, "C 0 0C 1 1C 2 2");