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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl oo.t' use strict; BEGIN { $^W++; } use lib qw( blib lib ); use Algorithm::Diff qw( compact_diff ); use Data::Dumper; use Test qw( plan ok $ntest ); BEGIN { $|++; plan( tests => 969 ); $SIG{__DIE__} = sub # breakpoint on die { $DB::single = 1 if ! $^S; die @_; }; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub # breakpoint on warn { $DB::single = 1; warn @_; }; } sub Ok($$) { @_= reverse @_; goto &ok } my( $first, $a, $b, $hunks ); for my $pair ( [ "a b c e h j l m n p", " b c d e f j k l m r s t", 9 ], [ "", "", 0 ], [ "a b c", "", 1 ], [ "", "a b c d", 1 ], [ "a b", "x y z", 1 ], [ " c e h j l m n p r", "a b c d f g j k l m s t", 7 ], [ "a b c d", "a b c d", 1 ], [ "a d", "a b c d", 3 ], [ "a b c d", "a d", 3 ], [ "a b c d", " b c ", 3 ], [ " b c ", "a b c d", 3 ], ) { $first= $ntest; ( $a, $b, $hunks )= @$pair; my @a = split ' ', $a; my @b = split ' ', $b; my $d = Algorithm::Diff->new( \@a, \@b ); if( @ARGV ) { print "1: $a$/2: $b$/"; while( $d->Next() ) { printf "%10s %s %s$/", join(' ',$d->Items(1)), $d->Same() ? '=' : '|', join(' ',$d->Items(2)); } } Ok( 0, $d->Base() ); Ok( 0, $d->Base(undef) ); Ok( 0, $d->Base(1) ); Ok( 1, $d->Base(undef) ); Ok( 1, $d->Base(0) ); ok( ! eval { $d->Diff(); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! eval { $d->Same(); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! eval { $d->Items(1); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! eval { $d->Range(2); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! eval { $d->Min(1); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! eval { $d->Max(2); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! eval { $d->Get('Min1'); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! $d->Next(0) ); ok( ! eval { $d->Same(); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); Ok( 1, $d->Next() ) if 0 < $hunks; Ok( 2, $d->Next(undef) ) if 1 < $hunks; Ok( 3, $d->Next(1) ) if 2 < $hunks; Ok( 2, $d->Next(-1) ) if 1 < $hunks; ok( ! $d->Next(-2) ); ok( ! eval { $d->Same(); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); ok( ! $d->Prev(0) ); ok( ! eval { $d->Same(); 1 } ); ok( $@, qr/\breset\b/i ); Ok( -1, $d->Prev() ) if 0 < $hunks; Ok( -2, $d->Prev(undef) ) if 1 < $hunks; Ok( -3, $d->Prev(1) ) if 2 < $hunks; Ok( -2, $d->Prev(-1) ) if 1 < $hunks; ok( ! $d->Prev(-2) ); Ok( 1, $d->Next() ) if 0 < $hunks; ok( ! $d->Prev() ); Ok( 1, $d->Next() ) if 0 < $hunks; ok( ! $d->Prev(2) ); Ok( -1, $d->Prev() ) if 0 < $hunks; ok( ! $d->Next() ); Ok( -1, $d->Prev() ) if 0 < $hunks; ok( ! $d->Next(5) ); Ok( 1, $d->Next() ) if 0 < $hunks; Ok( $d, $d->Reset() ); ok( ! $d->Prev(0) ); Ok( 3, $d->Reset(3)->Next(0) ) if 2 < $hunks; Ok( -3, $d->Reset(-2)->Prev() ) if 2 < $hunks; Ok( $hunks || !1, $d->Reset(0)->Next(-1) ); my $c = $d->Copy(); ok( $c->Base(), $d->Base() ); ok( $c->Next(0), $d->Next(0) ); ok( $d->Copy(-4)->Next(0), $d->Copy()->Reset(-4)->Next(0) ); $c = $d->Copy( undef, 1 ); Ok( 1, $c->Base() ); ok( $c->Next(0), $d->Next(0) ); $d->Reset(); my( @A, @B ); while( $d->Next() ) { if( $d->Same() ) { Ok( 0, $d->Diff() ); ok( $d->Same(), $d->Range(2) ); ok( $d->Items(2), $d->Range(1) ); ok( "@{[$d->Same()]}", "@{[$d->Items(1)]}" ); ok( "@{[$d->Items(1)]}", "@{[$d->Items(2)]}" ); ok( "@{[$d->Items(2)]}", "@a[$d->Range(1)]" ); ok( "@a[$d->Range(1,0)]", "@b[$d->Range(2)]" ); push @A, $d->Same(); push @B, @b[$d->Range(2)]; } else { Ok( 0, $d->Same() ); ok( $d->Diff() & 1, 1*!!$d->Range(1) ); ok( $d->Diff() & 2, 2*!!$d->Range(2) ); ok( "@{[$d->Items(1)]}", "@a[$d->Range(1)]" ); ok( "@{[$d->Items(2)]}", "@b[$d->Range(2,0)]" ); push @A, @a[$d->Range(1)]; push @B, $d->Items(2); } } ok( "@A", "@a" ); ok( "@B", "@b" ); next if ! $hunks; Ok( 1, $d->Next() ); { local $^W= 0; ok( ! eval { $d->Items(); 1 } ); } ok( ! eval { $d->Items(0); 1 } ); { local $^W= 0; ok( ! eval { $d->Range(); 1 } ); } ok( ! eval { $d->Range(3); 1 } ); { local $^W= 0; ok( ! eval { $d->Min(); 1 } ); } ok( ! eval { $d->Min(-1); 1 } ); { local $^W= 0; ok( ! eval { $d->Max(); 1 } ); } ok( ! eval { $d->Max(9); 1 } ); $d->Reset(-1); $c= $d->Copy(undef,1); ok( "@a[$d->Range(1)]", "@{[(0,@a)[$c->Range(1)]]}" ); ok( "@b[$c->Range(2,0)]", "@{[(0,@b)[$d->Range(2,1)]]}" ); ok( "@a[$d->Get('min1')..$d->Get('0Max1')]", "@{[(0,@a)[$d->Get('1MIN1')..$c->Get('MAX1')]]}" ); ok( "@{[$c->Min(1),$c->Max(2,0)]}", "@{[$c->Get('Min1','0Max2')]}" ); ok( ! eval { scalar $c->Get('Min1','0Max2'); 1 } ); ok( "@{[0+$d->Same(),$d->Diff(),$d->Base()]}", "@{[$d->Get(qq)]}" ); ok( "@{[0+$d->Range(1),0+$d->Range(2)]}", "@{[$d->Get(qq)]}" ); { local $^W= 0; ok( ! eval { $c->Get('range'); 1 } ); ok( ! eval { $c->Get('min'); 1 } ); ok( ! eval { $c->Get('max'); 1 } ); } } continue { if( @ARGV ) { my $tests= $ntest - $first; print "$hunks hunks, $tests tests.$/"; } } # $d = Algorithm::Diff->new( \@a, \@b, {KeyGen=>sub...} ); # @cdiffs = compact_diff( \@seq1, \@seq2 );